I encourage anyone that  has more information (Flight Log Book entries) or photos on 112 Squadron please send an e-mail to   raf_112_sqdn@yahoo.com before the history is lost.

112 Sqdn planes, Damage and Losses 1939-1945


Following are found so far if you have more please e-mail me.  A/C = Aircraft   N/A = A/C Letter not available,

  Also of note GA ? was used by various 112 Sqdn planes as was GAX, Cat II damage is 

very rarely repaired at the unit.    Cat II or Cat B (as these are interchangeable), 

means that the aircraft needs to be repaired at Depot or MU level.   

  Cat II or Cat B are things like force landings, large holes in Wings/Fuselages etc, 

so if an aircraft Cat II on the 7th then it is very unlikely that it would have been 

repaired before the 10th.   Also Cat II damage normally required a report to be raised, and the

aircraft is Non Operational

Make Number and Letter




Hawker Audax 

K7514, not confirmed as the right plane as the one noted in the narrative is a Hart

also K7514 was used by 4 SFTS Habbaniyah, on 22nd May 1941. Flown by Hans Ravn, K7514 0:40 hrs. Bombing and machine gunning troops at Fallujahbut K7514, could easily have been ROS from it's upset

Sqdn Ldr Duncan MacDonald "Slim" Somerville, 32113, RAF

03/09/39 not confirmed During this period Sept.3rd 1939 to June 10th 1940.  The first wartime convoy from England that passed through Port Said on its way to India included R.M.S. The ‘Drunken’ Duchess of Bedford, carrying Indian Army officers and N.C.O.s recalled from home leave.  Amongst these was Captain Bill Somerville of the Gurkas, the C.O.’s brother, who telephoned Slim to fly to Port Said for a family reunion.  The C.O. and Adjutant took off at once in a Hart, but arrived to find the aerodrome marked on the map Port Fouad had been turned into a Canal Company Golf Course calling for a zig-zag landing down the beach into the sea.  After a short family reunion, a take-off  run was prepared and just as the aircraft was about to leave the ground, the wheels sunk into some soft sand, the tail came up, throwing the Adjutant, F/O Joe Fraser, out of the gunners cockpit, where there were no straps, into the soft sand and then over onto its back, leaving the most indignant C.O. hanging upside down on his straps, his head just clear of the soft sand in a most embarrassing position.  A few stitches were put in the adjutant’s knee and both returned to Helwan by car the following day.


Mk I

K6142 RT U

Unknown 05/10/39 Force-landed in desert after engine cut "A" Flight,  Repaired and ROS


Mk I

K6142 RT U

Flt Lt Fraser, , 70229, RAFVR 09/10/39 Landed next C.O. Somerville's' car, damaged main spar on rock, Repaired and ROS


Mk I


Unknown, same plane 19/6/40 07/11/39 Damaged in a heavy landing, repaired and Returned On Strength

Fairey Gordon


Unknown at this time ?/11 ? /39 Crashed on the Nile Delta but Ground Crew member John Cleary, 542103, RAF was the passenger his accident occurring sometime during 1939. John states it happened on an island and that they recovered the aircraft by dhow , I did talk to him about the crash in the Nile Delta and he said he went up on an air test with a NCO pilot whose name he cannot recall at this juncture and that the engine cut out very shortly after takeoff. Dad said that an exhaust duct was corroded and blew and shot a jet of flame onto the ignition harness and the engine cut out.  The pilot did the recommended thing and looked to land straight ahead .  The level surface he picked out turned out to be a mud flat and they tipped over.  My father ended up down the fuselage towards the tail but crawled back and dropped down out of the cockpit." 
Gladiator I /  K7944 Unknown 12/01/40  Overshot landing and hit fence, Helwan, and damaged beyond repair

Fairey Gordon  K2719, essentially a Fairey IIIF with a radial 525hp Armstrong Siddeley Panther IIa engine in place of the IIIF's slightly higher powered Napier Lion.

Sgt Charles John Wilson Tait, 565362, RAF and LAC G R McLennan, 539503, RAF


Aircraft can now be confirmed as K2719


Drogue Towing Flight, nosed over on a  force landing on an  island in the Nile, Tait ok McLennan broke his wrist According to the `K` File Air Britain J.J.Halley, K2719 Was with 112 Sq and was written off when it crashed in a forced landing at near Helwan on 14th January 1940Update via RAF Commands Forum member DaveW K2719 Delivered to Assembly Kenley 10/08/32; Posted out Date 02/11/34: Arrival Date Aboukir 22/12/34; Posted To Unit  Abu Seir; 112 Squadron by 11/39 for Target Tug. Engine cut; overturned on landing on small island near Helwan 14/01/40; SOC as BER.




Sqdn Ldr Duncan MacDonald "Slim" Somerville, 32113, RAF


Forced to bale out when plane mysteriously caught fire, pilot hospitalized with burns, Some months before Italy declared war, S/L ‘Slim’ Somerville was up in his Gladiator carrying out an aerobatic display, when suddenly in the middle of a slow roll, dead over the aerodrome, a spurt of flame and smoke burst from the cockpit.  The roll was completed and the C.O. took to his parachute, making a successful landing a few miles from the aerodrome but unfortunately his face and hands were badly burnt before he could get out of his aircraft.  However, the ambulance and ‘pick-up’ were racing across what appeared to be a mile of flat sand waste to where the C.O. was about to land.  The Ford ‘pick-up’ had outstripped the slower ambulance, when they shot straight into a wadi with a sheer bank of sand 15 feet below, but apart from scratches and bruises and a dent in the roof and bonnet of the car, no damage was done and the car was pushed onto its wheels, started up and even so arrived first on the scene to help the C.O. From March of the Gladiators by J.F. Fraser

Gladiator Mk I L7612

possibly coded RT F

Plt Off Gordon Albert  Wolsey, 41811 (K Flight)


Bent  wing tip at Aswan, ten planes of B Flight where off to form K Flight with 254 wing at Summit , plane was repaired and later went on to serve in K Flight


Mk I


Sgt Charles John Wilson Tait, 565362, RAF (K Flight)


From 16/6/40 only  three fighters where constantly stationed at Port Sudan. On  18/6/40 they where surprise attacked by "Pipistrello" S81 formation. They did not inflict a lot of damage but Sgt Taits' Gladiator did not get airborne during the attack. The superficial damage caused by bomb splinters did not look significant, but had to be test flown. During the flight, the plane suddenly lost height while attempting to slow roll over Sgts' Mess it flew into the ground, pilot KIFA


Mk I


P/O Jack Hamlyn, 40109 , RAF


14:15-14:45 Patrol;  Hit concrete block on landing and rendered unserviceable. Repaired and Returned On Strength (ROS)

Gladiator Mk II

N5751- on detachment  to 33 Sqdn

Flying Officer Waldo Baker Price-Owen 39829 RAF , on detachment to "A" Flight 33 Sqdn


Shot down, explosion in the fuselage over Bug Bug, pilot safely parachuted, landing 15 miles inside the Egyptian border, F/O Price- Owen was badly shot up, though uninjured himself, and the decided to bale out.  However, unfortunately, he was wearing a parachute belonging to a friend of far greater stature and on pulling the rip cord, the loose harness gave him a very severe jerk between his legs which almost cost him his manhood – a very serious matter with Price-Owen.  He was incapacitated for some time and posted from the Squadron He went on to serve with 80 Sqdn. (from March Of The Gladiators page by J F Fraser)




Flying Officer Anthony Gray-Worcester, 33338 RAF


Hit a hill obscured by a cloud at Qaret el Naga., KIFA, Towards the end of July, Tony set out for Sidi Barani with another three pilots and finding his first port of call covered in low cloud, he ordered his section to circle above the cloud while he went down to investigate.  He never came up again and his section managed to land by a near-by landing ground;  a search found Tony crashed into a sand dune.  He had gone down through the cloud to see if it was safe to take his section through but the cloud was lying on the ground and he must have hit the ground and killed himself before he had seen the danger.  In this land of clear blue skies, more experienced pilots have killed themselves through feeling their way down through belts of mist over the Delta and coastline than any other reason. (from March Of The Gladiators page by J F Fraser)


Mk I

possibly K7939 not confirmed

Flying Officer Peter Edward Campbell Strahan, RAF no. 36154 "A" Flight pilot


112 Squadron flew a patrol near Bardia during the day and spotted eight CR.42s. 

Flying Officer Strahan of ‘A’ Flight claimed one shot down, although he himself was hit and forced to make an emergency landing on the return flight. He was returned to base with an infantry vehicle


Mk I 


Plt Off Pieter Robert Marie Van der Heijden 40190, "A" Flight pilot


Attempting a slow roll Sidi Barrani, crashed, pilot injured and did not return to the Sqdn



possibly K8024 not confirmed

Plt Off Richard Alvin "Acky" Acworth, DFC, 40486 RAF, "A" Flight pilot


A/C written of due to battle damage and crash landing ,battle was against SM79s bombing the Mediterranean Fleet, pilot wounded, Acworth was able to fly back to base where he crash-landed and the aircraft was written-off (March Of The Gladiators F/O Ackworth was badly injured by shrapnel in the leg during a dog-fight off Sidi Barrani but he managed to get his aircraft back to Gerawla, landing downwind and finishing up at the opening of the medical tent.  The medical officer was infuriated at this demonstration, until he realized Acky was unable to get out of the cockpit and that it had saved him carrying Acky some hundreds of yards.  A dozen or more splinters were taken out of Acky’s leg, two weeks sick leave in Alex. and he was back in the cockpit again. )


Mk I


Flt Lt  Joseph Frederick 'Joe'  Fraser, 70229, RAFVR 18/08/40 Force landed, Repaired and ROS


Mk I


"K Flight", pilot unknown


Crashed on take off, Sudan




Plt Off  Bert Benjamin Edye  Duff, 40684 "C" Flight pilot


A/C destroyed in combat Mersa Matruh, pilot parachuted suffering slight burns, 

may have been Italian ace Teresio Vittorio Martinoli 78 Squadriglia, 13 Gruppo, 2 Stormo

Bertie Duff dived out of the melee with a C.R. 42 on his tail, and another on either side of him, had his engine badly hit, and shortly afterwards baled out of his burning aircraft

Gladiator /possibly L7617

Plt Off Richard Alvin"Acky" Acworth,DFC, 40486 RAF


A/C destroyed in collision in combat Mersa Matruh collided with E R Smith both had to bale out, I dived on one of his attackers, and followed the aircraft through a loop, for some unknown reason, a popular Italian ‘dog-fight’ tactic of the early war days. The loop completed, I managed to get my sights on the C.R. 42, and ‘let fly’ with my four Brownings. At once, its engine started smoking badly, and the aircraft fell away on one wing; then….it happened!
For a time, I thought my engine had blown up, for during the dive, it had been doing far more ‘revs’ than the designed had intended. There was an explosion, and the next moment, I was drenched from head to foot with petrol, and suddenly frozen, as it began to evaporate. The ’stick’ was knocked smartly forwards, and momentarily trapped my thumb, as it hit the dashboard. My aircraft started a mad spin, and I had a split-second impression of a pair of mainplanes disappearing to my right, downwards twisting and turning like the blades of a lawn mower.
The controls were completely useless, and looking behind me, I soon discovered the reason why; to my dismay, there was only about a yard of fuselage left behind the cockpit, …..my complete tail-unit was missing

Most Gladiator pilots flew with their cockpit hoods open, as at times, they were difficult to open. I was no exception, and throttling back the engine, I tried to raise myself in my seat to commence the jump I knew was inevitable. I couldn’t move! I had often heard tales of pilots who had experienced difficulty in leaving a spinning aircraft, then I realized that during the ‘general flap’ I had forgotten to remove the pin securing the Sutton harness. By this time, the aircraft was in an inverted spin, and I pulled out the pin, and left the falling aircraft so relatively slowly, that it seemed like ‘slow motion’. The Gladiator, or what was left of it, followed me down, and it seemed an age before I was sufficiently far enough away to dare to pull the rip-cord of my parachute, for, to pull it too soon would have meant certain death, with my canopy caught by the crashing aircraft. I felt no ill effects from the delayed drop, and found I could move my arms and legs quite easily. However, I was taking no chances! I gripped the parachute ring very carefully in my right hand and gave a clean pull. After an anxious second or two, my rapid descent was abruptly checked as the ‘chute’ opened, and I had the strange feeling of being suspended in space, which, there and then, was not unpleasant, for firing on parachutists, at that time, and theatre of war, was unheard of.


/possibly L7615

2/LT E R Smith SAAF, "C" Flight pilot


A/C destroyed in combat collision Mersa Matruh collided with Acworth both baled out

2nd Lieut. Smith had been after the same Italian that I was chasing, and had crashed into me, losing his wings in the process; P/O Duff had baled out on fire, as already described, and Squadron Leader Schwab had had engine failure, but had managed to shoot down two enemy aircraft before he finally forced landed; a noble effort!

Gladiator /possibly L7622 

Flt LT Lloyd Gilbert "Algy" Schwab, 37831 DFC, (Canadian)


A/C destroyed in combat Mersa Matruh due to engine failure / crash landing,

It seems that both L7608 and L7622 were lost in the combat over Mersa Matruh on 31/10/40 and as shown here five Gladiators from 112 Sq. were lost. This was a large combat over Mersa Matruh with ten S.79s from 9o Stormo, 11 from the 14o Stormo and five from the 33o Gruppo escorted by 18 CR.42s from 13o Gruppo and 18 more from 151o Gruppo.
They were intercepted by seven Gladiators from 112 Sq. and at least four Hurricanes from 33 Sq.112 Squadron and 33 Squadron claimed 4 CR.42s, 3 S.79s, 

1 probable S.79 and 1 damaged S.79 while losing 5 Gladiators and 2 Hurricanes.

The Italian fighters totally claimed 11 victories and the bombers claimed 7, 

while losing 1 CR.42 and 2 S.79 (2 more S.79s being damaged beyond repair).



possibly K7904

Flt LT Robert Hugh "Bobbie" Clarke, RAF No. 40513, "C" Flight pilot


A/C destroyed in combat Mersa Matruh pilot KIA by return fire from a SM79, K7904, 

destroyed in combat Mersa Matruh, Shot down by CR.42s and destroyed by fire, 04/11/40 SOC (Strike Off Charge)


MK I  



Flying Officer Jack Maurice Hayward, RAF, 40111, of the ‘B’ flight


Shot down by Fiat CR 42s over Metemma in Abyssinia, pilot KIA, Shot down by Fiat CR42`s near Gallabat / Metemma, his plane crashed very close to Pete Savages , pilot KIA this may have occurred on 7/11/40, but official records have 6/11/40 as his date of death




Flight Lieutenant Kenneth Howard "Pete" Savage (RAF no. 37483) B Flight


A/C shot down east of Metemma when a formation of an estimated six or seven 

CR.42s from 412a Squadriglia led by the unit commander Capitano Raffi attacked them from out of the sun..  pilot KIA





Pilot Officer Harold "Harry" B Kirk, 70808 "B Flight"


A/C shot down east of Metemma when a formation of an estimated six or seven CR.42s from 412aSquadriglia led by the unit commander Capitano Raffi attacked them from out of the sun., pilot parachuted became POW




possibly coded RT F

Flying Officer Jack Hamlyn DFC, RAF no. 40109 "B Flight"


Evaded the initial onslaught but his aircraft  was badly damaged and he force-landed, returning later on foot.

T he first brush with enemy fighters came at 0615 on 6 November 1940, w hen three R .A .F .Gladiators of „K Flight (brought from Port Sudan for the action) were patrolling over Metemma. These pilots had not operated

before in an area where enemy fighters could be expected and were, in the opinion of Brigadier Boyle, probably watching the battle scene, the withdrawing enemy, the crippled tanks and smoke rising from Gallabat. Suddenly a formation of six or eight C.R.42's came out of the morning sun. In a moment, two Gladiators were shot down, their pilots killed or taken prisoner; the third was forced down at El Hasiara, some 70 miles from its base.






SOC (Stricken Off Strength) reason unknown at this time


Mk II 




Lost in Greece, details unknown at this time

Gladiator MK I / K8013



Given to Royal Hellenic Air Force

Gladiator / K8018



Given to Royal Hellenic Air Force.

Gladiator / K8031



Given to Royal Hellenic Air Force.

Gladiator / K8047



Given to Royal Hellenic Air Force.

Gladiator / K8054



Given to Royal Hellenic Air Force.

Gladiator / L7609



Given to Royal Hellenic Air Force.

Gladiator / L7611



Given to Royal Hellenic Air Force.

Gladiator / L7623



Given to Royal Hellenic Air Force.


MK I  

K6135 RT E



Given to Royal Hellenic Air Force.



K7974 RT O

"K Flight" unknown pilot as yet


Crashed on take off, Damaged beyond repair, Sudan


MK I  


Flt Lt  Joseph Frederick 'Joe'  Fraser, 70229, RAFVR

22/12/40 To Buq Buq.  Patrol Bardia & return base... Tail Plane Hit by ac/ac fire.  No E.A.  2 sorties, plane continued service with 112 Sqdn


Mk I 

K6134 RT S

"K Flight" unknown pilot as yet


Crashed in Red Sea 15m South of Suakin, Sudan ditched short of fuel in bad weather


Mk unknown

Flying Officer Edwin Thomas "Teddy" Banks, RAF 40978 ,"A" Flight 30/12/40 On 30 December, 112 Squadron carried out the last patrol in the Western Desert before moving in Greece, while the relieving 73 Squadron started to arrive.
112 Squadron’s last patrol were flown by Flying Officer Banks, Flying Officer Jack Hamlyn (newly promoted ?), Flying Officer R. J. Bennett, Second Lieutenant H. H. Geraty and Pilot Officer Alfred Costello. Flying Officer Banks force-landed in severe dust storm but eventually arrived home safely. The ORB of the Squadron didn’t record claims or even combats for the month, but this is probably due only to the extreme incompleteness of this document. In fact it is known from 3 RAAF Squadron’s ORB that 112 Squadron’s Gladiators claimed at least 2 S.79s on 14 December over Sollum


Mk II  


Early 1941 more machines where ferried to Athens Greece, 18/01/41, the advanced surface party left Amiriya to embark at Alexandria. On 23/01/41, the aircraft began to Fly to Eleusis, by way of Crete, the main part of RAF 112 Sqdn., embarked at Port Said on the "Ethiopia". They arrived at Suda Bay on 30/01/41. By 10/02/41, "A" Flight flew a patrol with 80 Sqdn.


Hit bomb crater while landing at Yanina, Greece


Mk II 


As above pilot unknown at this time


Ran into a bomb crater on landing at Yanina. Not repaired before evacuation.



Flt Lt Richard James Abrahams RAF no. 37663 "B" Flight ex "C" Flight


A/C destroyed in combat over Sarande-Tepelene, Albania, Flight Lieutenant Abrahams, after his victory, was attacked by another G.50bis - believed to have been flown by Tenente Mario Bellagambi - and was shot down near Sarande. Pilot parachuted returning to Sqdn 1 March

“The old Glad suddenly went all soft. Nothing would work. I sat there and then decided I had better get out. I couldn't, so I sat there with my hands on my lap, the aircraft spinning like mad. Then, eventually, I did manage to get out. It was so pleasant sitting there in the air than I damn nearly forgot to pull the ripcord. I reckon I did the record delayed drop for all Albania and Greece. I landed, and no sooner had I fallen sprawling on the ground than I was picked up by Greek soldiers who cheered and patted me on the back. I thought I was a hell of a hero until one soldier asked me. "Milano, Roma?" and I realized that they thought I was an Iti. They didn't realize it was possible for an Englishman to be shot down. So I said "Inglese", and then the party began. I was hoisted on their shoulders, and the "here the conquering hero comes" procession started. We wined and had fun. Jolly good chaps.”


28 February 80 Sqdn was to be converted to Hurricanes and all remaining Gladiators where to be handed over to 112 Sqdn


80 Sqdn turns over its remaining Gladiators to 112 Sqdn as 80 Sqdn was re equipped with Hurricanes Thus 112 Sqdn was now the only RAF unit operating Gladiators in Greece




Pilot Officer Robert Haldane "Mac"McDonald (RAF no. 42316) "A" Flight


A/C destroyed in combat over Albania pilot died of wounds and burns 2 months later 7 May 41


MK II  N5913; from Aden Station

Flying Officer Edwin Thomas "Teddy" Banks,RAF 40978 ,"A" Flight


Failed to recover from dive during gunnery practice and hit Yanina lake sinking into the water, pilot KIA (‘Teddy’ Banks, courageous & quiet, already 3 or 4 victories, went up to test his guns on Jannina lake (sic), an ideal target where duck could be aimed at well away from any harm.  The lake for once was dead calm, just like a mirror, dived, leveled out, hit wheels about 300mph, turned onto back and sank in about 10 feet of water, broke neck on somersault, no effort to get out.  Buried in military cemetery full military funeral with Greek Generals etc…coldest wait ever. from March of the Gladiators by J F Fraser)




S/Ldr Harry Lennox Innes Brown, RAF No. 37060


A/C destroyed in combat over Kelcyre, Albania pilot safe, One Macchi shot the tail of N5916 and Squadron Leader H. L. I. Brown managed to bale out only with the greatest difficulty, in combat with 22 Gruppo based at that time in Tirana




Fg Off Neville "Bowks" Bowker, DFC RAFVR (89773)


A/C damaged in combat over Kelcyre, Albania pilot safe, in combat with 22 Gruppo based at that time in Tirana

Gladiator MKII  

possibly N5782 

No pilot involved


A/C damaged by bombing at Yannina, Greece, LAC Reed and LAC Walter emerged from their tent and extinguished the fire saving the aircraft



Unknown "K" Flight, might even been considered a 250 Sqdn plane by this time


Searched for and found 45 km North of Taclai, by 14 Sqdn Blenheims, damaged beyond repair, pilot picked up and returned to unit



had a 3 bladed prop

No pilot involved may have been Bennett's plane 


A/C destroyed after an effective strafe by C.200s of 153° Gruppo at Paramythia, Greece, this Gladiator carried a three blade propeller. In early March, the Italians began re-equipping some of their biplane fighter units with the newer Saetta fighters. These were rapidly placed into action and, in a bid to gain air superiority over Greece, they began a series of strafing raids on English airfields. On this day, M.C. 200s of 153rd Ompo strafed Paramythia airbase destroying a Gladiator and burning an unserviceable Wellington on the ground. They also encountered a flight of No. 112 Squadron Gladiators over the field which they engaged in a dogfight. One Gladiator was damaged in the air battle but the RAF pilots thought they had also nailed a Macchi in return. In fact, none were lost and all returned safely to base.




Fg Off Neville "Bowks" Bowker, DFC RAFVR (89773)


A/C badly damaged in combat over their airfield at Paramythia with C200 of 153o Gruppo, he was able to force land the aircraft

Gladiator MkII, N5910; from Aden Station Flight

Sqdn Ldr Richard John Courtney, Nedwill,

34169, AFC, RAF


Dived into ground at Paramythia, Greece; presumed pilot, blacked out and was killed. He was the CO of 211 Blenheims Sqdn but often flew Gladiators with 112 Sqdn

. .


In April ‘K’ flight formed the nucleus of 250 Squadron and re-equipped with Tomahawks.


Plt Off Peter Charles Lindsay Brunton RAF no. 89774


Forced to bail out after airscrew (propeller) came off near Koritsa, pilot returned to Sqdn on a mule later that day (Flt Lt Fraser mentions this incident in March Of The Gladiators)



Plt Off Peter Charles Lindsay Brunton RAF no. 89774


A/C damaged in combat over Koritsa by SM79, pilot ok thanks to quick action by a bofors crew

Gladiator Unknown possibly one of the Greek Gladiators


Uffz. Fritz Gromotka, 6./JG 27, Reference: JG 27 Lists F. 553



Plt Off Peter Charles Lindsay Brunton RAF no. 89774

15/4/41 Pilot wounded A/C badly damaged by G50 over Yanina, Greece, pilot wounded but saved by quick action by a bofors crew, took two bullets to his leg but landed ok





Personal aircraft of Flt Lt J. F. Fraser it was destroyed on the ground around this time

15/4/41 On the 15th April the Luftwaffe made large and successful attacks on the airfields at Larissa, Kalambaka/Vassiliki, Paramythia and Niamata.  They claimed to have destroyed 22 aircraft on the ground. Both ground and air forces were withdrawing quickly and the RAF was by now very low in numbers; 22 Blenheim bombers, 14 Blenheim fighters, 18 Hurricanes, 12 Gladiators and 5 Lysanders.




No Pilot involved


Destroyed on the ground at Larissa by Bf109Es from JG 77.

For those that can there is gun camera footage of Luftwaffe gladiator claims.----->

15.04.41  Ltn. Ernst Boerngen:3, 4./JG27, Gladiator, W.Tríkala:Greece  07.01Film C.2036/II Anerk: Nr.30

15.04.41  Ltn. Wilhelm Wiesinger: 8 4./JG 27 Gladiator W.Tríkala:Greece                07.04Film C2036/II Anerk:Nr.31  


On 15 April it was decided that 33 Squadron’s remaining Hurricanes would join 30 and 80 Squadrons at Eleusis, while 112 Squadron’s Gladiators would share Hassani with 208 Squadrons Hurricanes 112 Sqdn unserviceable aircraft and extra fuel supplies are burnt No of aircraft and serials not known at this time

  Greece / Crete pilots histories are something I like to track 15/4/41 Sub Lt (A) W. C. Sarra and A/Sub Lt (A) J. Bowker of 815 Squadron, operating from Paramythia, after a night torpedo attack on Valona harbour,  were shot down. Both taken POWs by the Italians.


Mk II 


Flt Lt  Joseph Frederick 'Joe'  Fraser, 70229, RAFVR


Flew from Agrinnion to Paramythia to escort 2 S.79, 1 Lockheed and a Do17 which where to evacuate some "Stars" his aircraft burst an oil pipe so he was forced to burn it and return in a Do17 YU (confirmed by log book)


Mk II destroyed on the ground possibly N5760

Plt Off R A "Acky" Acworth, 40496 "A" Flight


A/C destroyed by Flt Lt Manger (Adj) and a demolition crew to prevent capture, having been nosed over while taxing in mud, pilot ok


Mk II  destroyed on the ground possibly N5787

Fg Off Richard John "Benny" Bennett, 40982, "B" Flight ex "C" Flight


A/C destroyed by Flt Lt Manger (Adj) to prevent capture, having developed engine trouble, pilot ok

. . 16/4/41 At General Papagos' request, to spare his country unnecessary destruction, the British agree to withdraw all of the 31,000 Commonwealth forces from the Greek mainland. General Wavell halts the flow of reinforcements from Africa, and prepares to defend Crete. German units begin to seize the Greek islands in the Aegean; Thasos being the first to fall.

The remaining Gladiators 112 Sqdn at this point some 58 Gladiators have been recorded as damaged or destroyed or transferred out


"The weather was terrible but we got down to Hassani OK and left our aircraft, 17 to 20 April 1941 "The aerodrome at Hassini, Medini and Eleusis were ground - strafed and dive bombed almost continuously. Owning to the enemies numerical superiority we couldn't put any aircraft in the air" On the 22 April 1941 the Sqdn was ordered to Crete any way they could get there.
. , . The main evacuation from Greece of British and Imperial Forces was effected between 24th and 30th April in convoys of H. M. Ships and other vessels. All available aircraft operated in support to protect the convoys against the heavy enemy air attacks to which they were constantly subjected, and which were causing heavy losses. The forces available in Crete were 14 fighter Blenheims of No. 30 Squadron, 9 fighter Blenheims of No. 203 Squadron (recently sent to Crete from Egypt to take part in this operation) and the remaining 6 Hurricanes and 14 Gladiators of Nos. 33, 80 and 112 Squadrons. At this stage, however, only 6 of the 14 Gladiators were serviceable. Blenheims usually operating in patrols of six aircraft provided such cover for convoys as was possible in the vicinity of the mainland of Greece, iwhile Hurricanes and Gladiators provided patrols over convoys approaching Crete and during their disembarkation at Suda Bay. At the same time, Sunderland provided Ionian and Mediterranean reconnaissance to guard against possible raids on our convoys by units of the Italian Navy. During the six months' campaign in Greece our Squadrons contended throughout with numerically superior enemy air forces, emerging in the end with much credit although sadly  depleted in strength. Our total aircraft losses amounted to 209, of which 82 had to be destroyed and abandoned by our own forces during the withdrawal and subsequent evacuation. Many of the latter had been damaged during enemy attacks on our aerodromes and in normal circumstances might have been repaired. Our total losses of aircraft, missing and in combat with the enemy were 72. As a comparison, the losses inflicted on the enemy totaled 259 aircraft destroyed and 99 probably destroyed, with several others damaged. Of 'these, 231 were destroyed and 94 .probably destroyed in combat with our aircraft. Our personnel losses in Greece amounted to 148 killed and missing and 15 taken prisoner. Of the total, 130 were aircrews. Such losses cannot be considered unduly heavy, bearing in mind the difficulties of the campaign and the hazards of the subsequent evacuation, http://113squadron.com/id47.htm

12 Gladiators went to Crete those where Gladiators 

K6138 flown out

K8021 fate unknown at this time

N5753 SOC

N5768 SOC

N5773 SOC

N5776 SOC

N5825 flown out

N5829 RT-Z  not SOC till 01/07/1943 so it also had to have been flown out, pilot unknown at this time

N5834 SOC

N5858 SOC

N5859 fate unknown at this time

N5918 fate unknown at this time

P/O Neville Bowker flew N5858 to Crete

F/O Cochrane flew N5829 RT-Z, to Crete

Flt Lt Fraser flew K8021 to Crete

F/O Harrison flew N5859, to Crete 

K6138 and N5825 survived Crete and where flown out, pilots known for these two

N5825 was flown as late as 17/06/41 Flown By P/O G. F. Westenra,

N5821, flown by Bowker 1 Mar 1941 must have been flown out as it later serves in RAF 6 Sqdn

N5829 RT-Z continued its career until 01/07/43, this would make at least three surviving Gladiators in 112 Sqdn service  flown out. One N5829, as yet on an undetermined date by unknown pilot

Also on the 26/06/41, P/O G. F. Westenra,  flew N5818, so far I have found no Greek/Crete connection for N5818

Some plane serials come from planes flown by Flt Lt Fraser on and after 22 April 1941, from his log book, N5834 see below on 24/4/41

22/4/41 See below 24/4/41, K6138 and N5825 were flown out of Crete 19 May 1941 it would appear that N5829 RT-Z also made it out of Crete
. .


By the 23rd Argos was just about the only field flying Hurricanes, but in the early evening it was hit by some 40 Bf110's and when they left there were another 13 wrecked Hurricanes, there were now very few left that were capable of flying.  At 04.30 on the 24th the last remaining aircraft (Hurricanes) left Greece for Maleme.


Mk II 


Flt Lt "A" Flt Cmnd Henry Willoughby ‘Jerry’ Harrison, 40910 , RAF


Force landed due to engine failure Heraklion, Crete, 112 Sqdn operated out of this base for approximately three weeks.

Remaining "A" Flight pilots flew to Maaten Bagush, Egypt,  28 April 1941, flying out in a Hudson and a  Lockheed Lodstar AX685, Flown by Flt Lt Fraser.  "B" Flight pilots remained to defend Heraklion, Crete,  Pilots Fry, Bennet, Bartley (escapes in Italy rejoining 112 Sqdn in 1943) and Bowker became PoW with Bowker eventually escaping Crete as did Westenra,  he flew K6138 from Crete to Egypt, Flying Officer James Edward Dennant,40465, 1430 Flight pilot got out in N5825  both men flew out 19 May 1941 (On 16 January 1945 Dennant was awarded a DFC at the time he was a Squadron Leader R. A. F. O. in 109 Squadron he is awarded a DSO on 9 March 1945 by which time he is a Wing Commander) (added note according to Flt Lt Fraser's in The March Of The Gladiators "By May 18, only three of 112’s Gladiators were operational

29/4 /41

1941 War Dairies of 112 Sqdn for May did not survive the war only four reports of "B" Flights time there remain, 14/5/41, Bowker, 15/5/41, Westenra, and Reeves, 29/5/41 Sgt Weir, all claimed victories.


Additional Gladiator finds include,  805 Sqdn FAA Gladiators N5535 and N5568 Flown in by Lieutenant Keith, assigned to HMS Eagle and 813 Fighter Flight and Sub Lieutenant R. W. M. Walsh delivered Sea Gladiators 17/04/41

. The main evacuation from Greece of British and Imperial Forces was effected between 24th and 30th April in convoys of H.M. Ships and other vessels. All available aircraft operated in support to protect the convoys against the heavy enemy air attacks to which they were constantly subjected, and which were causing heavy losses. The forces available in Crete were 14 fighter Blenheims of No. 30 Squadron, 9 fighter Blenheims of No. 203 Squadron (recently sent to Crete from Egypt to take part in this operation) and the remaining 6 Hurricanes and 14 Gladiators (RAF 112 Sqdn, my insert as only 112 Sqdn and 805 Sqdn FAA had Gladiators by now) of Nos. 33, 80 (Hurricanes, ) and 112 Squadrons. At this stage, however, only 6 of the 14 Gladiators were serviceable. Blenheims usually operating in patrols of six aircraft provided such cover for convoys as was possible in the vicinity of the mainland of Greece, while Hurricanes and Gladiators provided patrols over convoys approaching Crete and during their disembarkation at Suda Bay
Gladiator Additional losses of Gladiators. 10/5/40 Ltn. Erwin Axthelm, Uffz. Heinrich Beaker. 1 each, 3./JG 27,  Location, S.E. Tirlemont: 3.000 m., 0955 hours, Film C 2035/II Anerk: ASM and Film C 2036/II Nr.50780/40

Of Interest on this date 250 Sudan Squadron carried out the first Tomahawk mission over the desert

14/5/41 The first serious use of the P-40 as a fighter occurred when Iraqi forces led by Rashid Ali El-Ghailani rose against the British in Iraq on May 2, 1941. When the Germans and Italians sent aircraft to assist the revolt, staging from Vichy French bases in Lebanon and Syria, the British sent two RAF 84 Sqdn.  Bristol Blenheims to bomb the air base at Palmyra on May 14, escorted by two Tomahawks of No. 250 Squadron, RAF, flown by Flying Officers G.A. Wolsey and F.J.S. Aldridge. During this engagement two HE111 of Kampfgeschwader 4 where destroyed by bombing and strafing, The Iraqi revolt was crushed by May 30,

Pilot Unknown at this time

Known Plt Off D F Westenra Gladiator Mk II N5825 and Fg Off Reeves ( possibly Roy Reeve, 42648, not known yet if he was the one in 1430 Flight,  promoted to Flying Officer, 31 March 1941, in the London Gazette, Roy Reeve survived the war) Gladiator unknown (some sources say Westenra was in a hurricane) both pilots where flying that day


During an exceptionally heavy raid on the 15th an RAF Gladiator, shot down near the airfield, crashed and turned over on the beach in front of a machine-gun pit. While enemy fighters tried to set fire to the plane with incendiary bullets, Lance-Corporal Smith and Private Curtis10  (Later Staff Sgt M W Curtis, S-Sgt M. W. Curtis, MM; Greymouth; born Greymouth, 18 Oct 1917; motor mechanic.) left the gun pit, ran forward to free the trapped pilot, and took him to safety. Smith was killed a few days later, but Curtis was subsequently awarded the MM.


Additional Gladiator loses found while searching about Crete, all FAA loses not RAF 112 Sqdn loses but serving closely together


15/05/41,  N5517; coded  6A, unknown when it went to Crete, L/T Scott, Peter Favell, RNAS 805 Sqdn. FAA H.M.S. Nile, Gloster Gladiator, Son of Rear-Admiral George Arthur Scott, D.S.C., and Constance Mary Scott, of Grange-over-Sands, Lancashire,  lost on ferry flight from Maleme to Egypt, 

Lt A. H. M. Ash and Lt H. J. C. Richardson of 805 Squadron were attached to the RAF 33 Squadron at Maleme. Both were killed when their Hurricanes were shot down on the 16th.

16/05/41 L/T. Richardson, Herbert. John. Carbray, RNAS 805 Sqdn. FAA Gloster Gladiator, H.M.S. Grebe, serial unknown (HMS Grebe, and HMS Nile (Sphinx),in Dekheila, Egypt (both RNAS land stations) possibly N5513 or N5535
16/05/41 L/T. Ash, Anthony Harry Mitchell, RNAS 805 Sqdn. FAA H.M.S. Grebe. Gloster Gladiator serial unknown possibly N5513 or N5535

33 Sqdn Hurricane V7857 confirmed

Flight Lieutenant Charles Horace "Digger" Fry DFC, RAF no. 40047, RAAF no. 267607, "B" Flight ex "C" Flight


Unteroffizier Erhard Witzke’s 3U+SM of 4 staffel. Unfortunately for him, as he broke away Witzke’s gunner, Feldwebel Karl Reinhardt, got an accurate burst of fire into the Hurricane’s engine, pilot POW

Tomahawk Mk IIB / AK474

This was a 3 Sqn RAAF plane

Flown by 3 Sqdn pilot F/O Davidson


Hit AK365 a 3 Sqdn RAAF plane which was  delivered 19/5/41 to 3 Sqdn, RAAF, in landing accident Lydda, Syria, I think this shows how early 3 Sqdn, RAAF, was supplied with Tomahawks


Mk II 





Struck Off Charge see above 15/4/41




Used in Crete


Struck Off Charge


Mk II 




Struck Off Charge




Used in Crete


Struck Off Charge see above 16/4/41




Used in Crete


Struck Off Charge


Mk II 


Used in Crete


Struck Off Charge






Struck Off Charge


Mk II 




Struck Off Charge






Struck Off Charge




Used in Crete


Struck Off Charge


Mk I 


Was an ex-K Flight plane total Gladiators recorded so far 71


Struck Off Charge 

Unknown Tomahawk

Being Flown in by a factory pilot


First Tomahawk flown in from 102 MU crashes on landing, landing gear failed to lock, this occurred in front of an assembled 112 Squadron, not a great start
Tomahawk AK461 Sqdn Ldr Schwab


Sqdn Ldr Schwab personally picks up AK461 which was eventually coded "A" by the end of the day several pilots had flown it

Gladiators Replaced by Tomahawks

"A" and "B" flights back together


During the month of June 1941 the Sqdn was re equipped and on this day the last of 112 Sqdn Gladiators where flown away N5825 was flown as late as 17/06/41 Flown By P/O G. F. Westenra on the 26/06/41 he flew N5818


Mk IIB  AM448

Sgt Fairbanks Koen Johnston, 102205, SAAF


Flying accident over Mariyut, trying to do aerobatics, a detachment from "A" 

flight had moved there on the 11th from Fayid to relieve 2 Sqdn SAAF, pilot KIFA

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AM432

Sgt Everard Harvie Mills RAAF, 404180


A/C accident (Training at Fayid) KIFA

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AM403

Sergeant Edward McCormack, 404181 RAAF


McCormack (ferry flight from 108MU) heading for LG102 which the Sqdn 

had moved to near Sidi Haneish, engine cut out on take off at 150 to 200 

feet altitude he tried to turn to regain the runway lost control and spun in pilot KIFA

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AK495

Plt Off Derrick Fitzgerald 'Gerald' 'Jerry' Westenra DFC and Bar, RAF no. 89782


A/C shot down returning to base from patrol, nine Tomahawks of 112 Squadron 

carried out a shipping patrol, being bounced out of the sun by two fighters while on the way back to base, Pilot Officer Westenra bailing out. No Luftwaffe claim was made this day, but 112 Squadron identified their attackers 

as Bf109s, and it is possible that there was a confusion of dates in records, this 

being the victory of Oberleutnant Gerhard Homuth of 3./JG 27, who claimed 

a P-40 (victory no. 26) at 14:40 the previous day.(24.09.41 Oblt. Gerhard Homuth: 26 victories, 3./JG 27, Curtiss P-40 Sidi Omar 14.40 hours Film, C 2036/II Nr.88892/42)

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AK502 / N/A

Sgt Ian Harper Stirrat, 404186, RAAF


A/C destroyed in combat over Sidi Omar, claimed by Hpt Gerlitz 2/JG27, pilot KIA no Luftwaffe film found some dispute over this claim Jerry Harrison log book has it occurring on 3/10/41 , Escort for Tactical reconnaissance Aircraft- Escorted Hurricanes over Bardia-Capuzzo-Sidi Omar. on the way home jumped by 5 ME109,s Sgt Stirrat shot down in flames, Sgt Carson force landed, claims made by Oberleutenant Rodel and Leutenant Schlacht of 4/JG-27 

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN222 / N/A

Plt Off Francis Everett Parker, 406260, RAAF also with 450 Sqn?


A/C destroyed in combat over Bir Sheferzan, pilot wounded, survived following claims where made

12.10.41  Oblt. Ludwig Franzisket: 24 victories, 3./JG 27            Curtiss P-40, Bir Sheferzan, 08.00, Film, C. 2036/II Nr.88892/42

12.10.41  Ltn. Hans-Joachim Marseille: 24 victories, 3./JG 27,       Curtiss P-40, Bir Sheferzan 08.12, Film, C. 2036/II Nr.88892/42

12.10.41  Ltn. Hans-Joachim Marseille: 25 victories,  3./JG 27, Curtiss P-40, Bir Sheferzan, 08.15, Film, C. 2036/II, Nr.88892/42

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AM396 / N/A

Sgt Rudolf Maurice Leu, 404178, RAAF 


A/C destroyed in combat by Hpt Gerlitz ? II/JG27. pilot wounded, survived, over Sofafi possibly Leutnant Friedrich Körner, 12.10.41 time 0934 SE Sollum

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AM444 / N/A

Flt Off Jack Lawson Groves, 42305, RAF


A/C badly damaged in combat Cat II damage II/JG27 and 10 G50s,over Sofafi

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AM481 / N/A

Sgt C F McWilliams, RAAF, 404185


A/C badly damaged in combat Cat II damage II/JG27 and G50s, over Sofafi

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN413 / K

Sgt William Edward Carson,404168.RAAF,  brother to K F Carson also in 112 Sqn


A/C damaged in combat with G50's and Bf109's II/JG27, over Sofafi, plane was in use again on the 20th


Plt Off Peter Charles Linsay   Brunton, 89774, RAFVR 


 Pilot wounded, plane badly damaged, over Sofafi

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AM390 


Plt Off Neville Fredrick  Duke, 61054, RAFVR


41-15843, his first familiarization  flight he misjudged his landing ground looping the plane in an attempt to do a three point landing this was one day after his arrival to 112 Squadron, he was bruised and the plane promptly repaired.

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN413 / K

Plt Off Robert James Daniel Jeffries, 406179. RAAF


Damaged by Bf110's over Sidi Rezegh, the enemy 110 was painted in a all blue color, pilot ok could it have been a Luftflotte 4,4.(F)/121 , Me 110 ?

Tomahawk Mk. IIB 

AM 390 


Sgt Henry George Burney, 402343, RAAF


Aircraft crash landed near El Adem after being damaged in dogfight, with I and II/JG27,Wg Cmdr Fred Rosier landed a Hurricane to help him, burst a tire and both walked 30 miles back took 3 days was the planes first combat flight

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN330

Plt Off Jean- Paul  "Sab" Sabourin, J/3519 DFC 6,5 victories also was in 615 Sqdn (Canadian)


A/C destroyed by flak Sidi Omar, pilot wounded, he returned a few days later making him the first member of the "Late Arrivals Club" the badge was a small winged boot, 

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN390

Wing Commander Peter Jeffery, O35436 (145) RAAF


A/C crash landed, dogfight JG27, pilot walked back to base, 1540 hours fourteen 3 Squadron Tomahawks with nine Tomahawks of 112 Squadron took off to sweep over the Tobruk-El Adem area and met over twenty 109s of l and ll/JG 27 south-east of El Adem. During an hour long dogfight, JG 27 lost six 109s may have been Oberleutnant Karl-Heinz Bendert Stab II./JG 27

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AK461/A

Sgt Frederick Dunford Glasgow NZ402469, RNZAF


A/C destroyed in combat over Sidi Resegh,  1 and 4/JG27, pilot KIA, at 1512, seven 3 Squadron Tomahawks took off with twelve of 112 Squadron and met seventy Axis aircraft over Sidi Rezegh. pilot shot down , KIA,  by Oberfeldwebel Albert Espenlaub of I./JG 27

Tomahawk Mk. IIB


Plt Off Neville Bowker, DFC RAFVR (89773)


Damaged in combat and force landed, may have been by 4./JG 27 Otto Schulz  1600 hours, Tobruk, he also pranged a plane on a night landing

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AK538

S/Ldr Francis Victor Morello, 39256, RAAF


Damaged on ground attack sortie

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN439

Sgt William Earl Houston,NZ402473, RNZAF


Damaged in ground attack sortie, from his log book  Nov 25  Tomahawk     AN439    Self   

Ground strafing enemy convoy near Sidi Omar    .30 min "Got large hole in stbd wing. Holes in fuselage from cockpit to tail" 

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AK405 GA A

Plt Off Peter "Hunk“ Harry Humphreys,  DFC, NCO, 754083. Officer, 84961, RAF


Damaged in combat with planes from 1 and 4/JG27 0910 hours, by 4./JG 27 Otto Schulz 

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN338 / B

Plt Off Neville Bowker, DFC RAFVR (89773)


A/C crash landed during a night landing at LG122 repaired ,may have been from damaged sustained from a G50, note A/C not written off until 1943

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AK402 / GA F

Plt Off Neville Fredrick  Duke, 61054, RAFVR


A/C crash landed near Tobruk, 0920 hours, by 4./JG 27 Otto Schulz, picture of a GA F on photo page 2 also a photo of a GA D

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN327

Sgt Archibald Henry Ferguson, 404542, RAAF


Damaged by Bf109 and force landed, , by 4./JG 27 

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN337 / GA F

Plt Off Neville Fredrick Duke, 61054, RAFVR


A/C crash landed at Tobruk, may have been Maresciallo Ennio Tarantola, 151a Squadriglia of the 20o Gruppo C.T. in a Fiat G-50 or planes from JG27, pilot belly landed the plane after having been wounded in the leg by an explosive shell

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AK457

Plt Off Joseph Jean Paul Sabourin RCAF  6.5 victories


Slightly Damaged by enemy fighters, planes from I/JG27, pilot ok

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AK541 / Q

Sgt J Alves. 1001427


Damaged during combat with Bf109's and Bf110's, 7 / ZG26 and 3&4 / JG 27

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AK509 / T

Plt Off Joseph Jean Paul Sabouin (Canadian) 6.5 victories


A/C crash landed amongst XXX Corps, 1&3 JG27, pilot ok

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AK533 / N/A

Sgt K (Kit) F Carson, 404233, RAAF


A/C badly damaged in action, at 1035 nine 3 Squadron Tomahawks with ten of 

112 Squadron were bounced south of El Adem by six 109s of 1/JG 27, Rex Kerslake Wilson, RAAF, 407788, 3 Sqdn KIA

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN413


Plt Off Robert James Daniel Jeffries, 406179. RAAF


A/C Missing In Action near Tmimi, Libya Same plane Plt Off Bartle flew,Oblt. Erbo Graf von Kageneck,1346 hours, 9./JG 27, Raum Tmimi pilot KIA

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AK457 / 


Sgt William Earl Houston, NZ402473, RNZAF


A/C Missing In Action near Tmimi, Libya, KIA , Oblt. Erbo Graf von Kageneck:  

9./JG 27, Dunes W. Tmimi: no height time 13:48 hours

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AK476 / N/A

Sgt John Alves,1001427


A/C Missing In Action near Tmimi, Libyamaybe Ofw. Hermann Neuhoff,   7./JG 53  , pilot POW

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN340 / GA B then GA N

S/Ldr Francis Victor Morello, RAAF


A/C damaged in action near Marana, by JG 27  W Maraua

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN372 / N/A

Plt Off Kenneth Royce Sands, 406265,  (Australian)


A/C crash landed after combat over Marana, 0940 hours, JG 27 , pilot took 3 days to get back to the Sqdn, Hans Remmer, Hauptmann, 1/JG27 may have been the opposing  pilot as his claim was for 0935 hours that day

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AK418 / N/A

Sgt Archibald Henry "Fergie" Ferguson, 404542, RAAF


A/C Missing In Action over Marana, 0943 hours, 4./JG 27 Schulz, pilot KIA

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN286 / believe this should be AN218 coded "B" named Menace

Plt Off Neville Bowker, DFC, RAFVR (89773)


A/C crash landed after being hit by small arms fire during a strafe in El Agheila - Agedabia area of Libya, pilot POW

Tomahawk Mk. IIB AN283

Fg Off Peter "Hunk“ Harry Humphreys,  DFC, NCO, 754083. Officer, 84961, RAF


Reason unknown at this time 2 planes claimed in this area by 7/JG27 on 31/12/41 but not on this date

Arrival of the Kittyhawk Mk 1a P40 E

112 Sqdn only had Tomahawk for 4 months, the remaining Tomahawks went to 250 Sqdn


Approximately 68 Tomahawks passed thru the Sqdn ( more if you count training accidents before the planes where listed as operational) 20 where lost to enemy action with only AK 475 GA J and AK 451 lasting the whole 4 months (September till December)

. S/L Morello, P/O Duke, P/O Sands, Sgt Alexander Tait  Donkin, Sgt Brian Patrick Hoare and Sgt Stanley Charles Johnson picked up the initial 6 Kittyhawks from MU Kasfareet


More Kittyhawks where ferried into El Adem and flown by P/O Duke AK595 GAY and Sands along with Sgts McQueen, Donkin and Hoare and flown to Msus on 4/1/42


Mk. I 


Sgt Stanley Charles Johnson, 404504, RAAF


Ferry flight accident, pilot caught in a dust storm,  KIFA, - hit telegraph lines in dust storm 11 km east of Cairo; he may have been injured and died the day after. All 6 planes where caught in the dust storm only P/O Duke pressed on above it the rest turned back towards Mersah Matruh where they had refueled It took Duke 3.5 hours to reach El Adem.


Mk. I 


Sgt Albert Thomas Crocker, 1259818, RAFVR


Crashed in his first test flight of new Kittyhawk, pilot KIFA, engine cut on take-off, crash landed Msus, Libya, DBF. plane burned


Mk. I

Sgt William Edward Carson,404168.RAAF


1st mission that day escorting over Mersa Brega and El Aghellia He was flying as No 2 for P/O Duke,  Gerhard Homuth,  I/JG27, shot him and 2 others from 3 Sqdn RAAF ( F/O G Chinchen and Sgt Ronnie H Simes) causing Carson to force land 


Mk. I 

AK672/ N/A

Sgt Kenneth (Kit) Francis Carson, 404233, RAAF


2nd mission that day, A/C crash landed after combat over El Agheila - A/C recovered- eleven 3 Squadron Kittyhawks with eight of 112 Squadron escorted seven Marylands to Mersa Brega. pilot rescued by Australian troops, 1&3 JG27, BF109F

Aircraft unknown Kittyhawk was burned


Destroyed in the retreat from Antelat due to waterlogged conditions!

Several A/C Lost when

forced to abandon


 In retreat from Msus


Mk. I 

AK602/ N/A

Flt Off Peter Charles Lindsay Brunton, 89774, RAF


A/C Missing In Action near Derna, shot down by ground fire. pilot KIA at the time he was the longest serving pilot in the Sqdn and had just been married.


Mk. I 

AK593/ N/A

Sgt George Walton Elwell,1160921


A/C Missing In Action near Derna, Shot down by enemy fighters, , 2, 3 & 4/JG27 pilot KIA, there is a claim in by Major Gerhard Homuth, 1432 hours, 3/JG27, E Bomba Bucth 


Mk. I 

AK652/ GA D

Sgt Alexander Tait Donkin,1055285, RAFVR


A/C Missing In Action near Derna, pilot KIA,  , 2, 3 & 4/JG27, claim put in by Hans Joachim Marseille 1430 hours, pilot KIA


Mk. I 

AK585/ N/A 

4 gun model

Sgt Brian Patrick Hoare,NZ404365 RNZAF


A/C Missing In Action near Derna, Shot down by enemy fighters a claim 

was put in at 1030 hours, by 4./JG 27 Otto Schulz, Ain El Gazala, pilot KIA


Mk. I 

AK673/ GA F

Sgt Neville Holman, 932152 RAFVR


A/C Missing In Action near Derna claimed by Friedrich Körner, 2./JG 27, 1427 hours, over Bomba Bay, pilot reported KIA 11/2/42


Mk. I 


Flg Off Czeslav Matusiak, P0304 (Polish)


A/C destroyed on training flight during practice dog fight, pilot KIA buried in Tobruk cemetery, mentioned in Brian M Thompson 3 Sqn war diary, that the plane went in and burnt

Kittyhawk Mk.I AK583/GA X

Sgt Donald Neil McQueen, 402530, RAAF


A/C damaged Cat II  in combat 1755 hours,  Otto Schulz, 4/JG27, SE Martuba, pilot badly wounded ( this was the mission S/Ldr E M Mason, 94 Sqdn was killed on, along with 2 other 94 Sqdn pilots) 112 Sqdn pilot wounded

 in arms and legs The last of this group was a plane marked GA-X. Its pilot, Sergeant McQueen, saw the Messerschmitt approaching 

quickly, but there was nothing he could do about it. Flying just above the ground, he had few maneuver possibilities. He took in the close-range shots tucking in behind his armor plate. The sound of bullets hitting it resembled “hitting the keys of a grand piano without strings”. He didn’t manage to avoid all of the bullets and was shot in the arms and legs. Its a mystery how he got out of the situation with his plane still in the air. McQueen had no idea that his attacker, having already shot down four planes, had simply run out of ammunition. Smoking, with a coughing engine, its wings riddled with bullet holes, The “Kittyhawk” flew toward the darkening horizon. The wounded pilot brought it to base, where he managed to land just before losing consciousness. McQueen’s wounds were tended, but the ruined AK5?? GA-X never flew again. Before the end of February it was crossed out 

of the 112.Sqdn’s armament. Otto Schultz returned to the ground after twenty minutes. He reported five victories and the fact that some of the Curtiss planes he had attacked bore Polish markings on their fuselage (!). Could it have been the work of one of the Poles, present in the 112.Squadron for a week? Anyway, the victory over McQueen, which crowned today’s success, raised the German pilot’s victory count to 44. It also earned him the Knight’s Cross, handed to him a few days later by Marshal Kesselring, who arrived from Martuba especially for this purpose. McQueen was the only pilot from the attacked five who managed to survive. A weakened convalescent, on the 13.04.1942 he left the hospital in Cairo and returned to his unit on the next day. He was greeted warmly. Among pilots wounded in battle, he was the first to make this decision.


Mk. I 

AK781/ N/A

Sgt Phillip Thornton Elliott, 404618,  RAAF


A/C badly damaged in combat over EL Adem, (cannon shell in the engine) Ltn. Hans-Joachim Marseille,  3/JG27 had 2 claims this day, pilot KIA


Mk. I 


Sgt. Joseph Derma, P784742, (Polish)


A/C crash landed a claim for this day was put in by Oblt. Gerhard Homuth of 3/JG27. 1211 hours ( Derma had ran out of fuel near El Adem)


Mk. I  


Lt  Witold Jander P76746 (Polish)


A/C shot down by Lt. Hans J Marseille, pilot suffered a broken leg in the forced landing, his leg was set in Tobruk and he was sent to England for convalescence on 25/10/42 the hospital was bombed by 2 FW190's, Lt W Jander was killed in the bombing and buried in Exeter.


Mk. I  

AK578 GA Y

Flying Off Neville Fredrick Duke, 61054, RAFVR


10.000 feet his engine cut so he  force landed, the plane was wore out and was replaced 26/2/42


Mk. I 

AK707/ GA Y

No pilot involved more information personal aircraft of Neville Duke


A/C damaged during air raid of Gambut after 5/JG27 strafe it was shot up, he had the word Jager (German for fighter or hunter) painted on its side with 8 claims painted on the tail


Mk. I 

AK761 N/A

No pilot involved


A/C damaged by enemy strafe of Gambut by 5/JG27 We had an early visit from Jerry insofar that five 109's shot up Gambut and wrecked five "Kittyhawks" another 2 burnt out,  whilst another shot down a "Hurricane" directly above us. The Jerry ,in turn, was shot to pieces by our ack-ack.


Mk. I AK658/GA X 

Caldwells "Grim Jester"


A/C destroyed by enemy strafe of Gambut damaged beyond repair by 5/JG27


Mk. I 

AK802 N/A

No pilot involved


A/C destroyed by enemy strafe of Gambut damaged beyond repair by 5/JG27


Mk. I 


No pilot involved


A/C damaged beyond repair by enemy strafe by 5/JG27


Mk. I 


Flt Sgt Earl Morse Jackson R75046, RCAF (Can)


Aircraft was scrambled as part of 4 aircraft formation. During the scramble this aircraft Spun into the ground after turning to tightly 12M South East  of Gambut from approx. 10,000ft , pilot KIA

2 Kittyhawk where left at El Adem when Sqdn moved to Gambut 2

Group Captain Cross


Planes damaged when Group Capt. insisted on being checked out in a Kittyhawk, the cause

maybe that Duke had recently crashed the Group Captain's new personal Miles Magistar                                              


Mk. I



450 Sqdn "L" had her nose ripped off by a "Kittyhawk" of 112 Squadron on take-off. The offending "Kitty" had to be crash landed as a result of damage sustained. Gambut South


Mk. I 

AK700/ GA B

Sgt Phillip Thornton Elliott, 404618,  RAAF


A/C spun in  near Gambut Main Possibly shot down by unseen attack, or damaged during earlier attack on Ju88 - actual cause not known, pilot KIA, Sergeant Elliott's machine obtained heavy damages, and  Elliott died of the wounds in two weeks, the plane had suffered hits the day before while being flown by Fg Off Knapik


Mk. I 

AK834/ N/A

Sgt Jerry W Rózanski, P1818, (Polish)


A/C shot down near EL Adem by 4./JG 27  Otto Schulz, pilot made a forced landing east of Tobruk, the aircraft exploded shortly after he got out,  pilot OK


Mk. I 


P/O John (Jack) Phillip Bartle, 406171, RAAF


A/C shot down near EL Adem  attacked by Oberfeldwebel Otto Schulz (4./JG 27,pilot OK


Mk. I 

AK878/GA C

Sgt Robert Bishop "Punk" Evans "A" Flight



A/C shot down at Bir Hakeim, by Mc202, pilot wounded and put into hospital after parachuting


Mk. I 

AK900/GA A

Sgt Robert Emil Simonsen, R69710, RCAF "A" Flight


A/C shot down at Bir Hakeim, by Mc202, pilot KIA 


Mk. I 

AK578/GA V

Plt Off Felix Francis Joseph  Edwards, 80140, RAFVR


A/C Damaged Cat B in combat


Mk. I 

AK957/GA D

Fg Off Felix Knoll P0768,PAF


A/C  Damaged during combat


Mk. I 


S/Ldr Clive Robertson Caldwell, 402107 RAAF


A/C Slightly damaged during sortie


Mk. I 

AK762/GA G

 LAC Thomas Dugdill, 1021007, RAF badly burned in the accident


No mention of the accident in the ORB.AK762 was destroyed by fire whilst on strength 112 Sqdn when a electrical short in the guns caused the aircraft to burn.  Toms' son sends Dad corrects me on something I told you – I said it was standard procedure to wash the inside of the planes with paraffin, but that was only changed after dad’s incident, he believes – Up until his accident, they cleaned them out with aviation fuel! Dad said that British planes used hydraulic switches but the American ones were electric – He saw the other ground crew member do something with the joystick on the Kittyhawk, then saw the spark but could do nothing about it, too late. 


Mk. I 


Flt Lt Dorrington (Possibly Philip James not confirmed 70186 not confirmed)


A/C Damaged during combat


Mk. I 

AK763/  N/A

Plt Off John Redvers Fisher, 118192, RAF


A/C shot down by flak, Formation attack targets near Temrad during which this aircraft was hit by AA and crashed near Tmimi, pilot KIA


Mk. I 


Plt Off  William Alexander Jenkinson "Johnney" Johnson, 115625, RAFVR


A/C Hit by 37 mm shell during ground attack mission, aircraft gets him safely back


Mk. I 

AK906/ N/A

Sgt Roy Arthur Drew, 407415 DFM, RAAF


A/C force landed near Gambut, after striking the ground with airscrew on departing low level from target, pilot ok, Sergeant Drew’s damaged plane managed to bring him within 20 km of Gambut before it crashed in the bush with an engine seizure


Mk. I 

AK994/ N/A

Flt Sgt John Vernon Davey, R74906, RCAF


A/C shot down over Tmimi, was hit by AA and crashed near Temrad, pilot died next day


Mk. I 


Fg Off Felix Knoll, P0768,PAF


A/C Damaged Cat 2 in combat 1, 2, 4 & 9 /JG27 involved, possibly by Leutnant Günther Steinhausen, 1/JG 27 ,7:50. 20 km S of Martuba


Mk. I 

AK682/ GA U

PltOff Henry Knapik P1302, PAF


A/C Damaged Cat 2 in combat 1, 2, 4 & 9 /JG27 involved, landed in Gambut


Mk. I 


Flying Officer Kenneth Cradock Gundry 81371, RAFVR


A/C shot down, possibly by (see above) Oberleutnant Franzisket, 1/ JG27, 0710 hours, 20 Kms E of Derna, pilot KIA


Mk. I 

AL122 / N/A

Flt Lt Eric Dickinson, 69420,RAFVR


A/C missing near point 385370, Missing from ground attack sortie, pilot walked back to base


Mk. I

AK829/ N/A

Flt Lt Eric Dickinson, 64920 RAFVR


A/C missing near point 365395, shot down by pilot from II/JG27, pilot KIA 


Mk. I 

AK772/GA Y, photo

Plt Off Henry George (Tom) Burney, 402343, RAAF


A/C (London Pride) missing near point 359412 may have been Rudolf “Rudi” Sinner Stab I./JG 27 Bir-el-Harmat, pilot KIA, mentioned in Brian M Thompson 3 Sqdn war diary


Mk. I 

AK999/ N/A

Plt Off Stuart Stewart Mitchell, NZ41348, RNZAF


A/C missing near point 372483, Derma, pilot KIA, mentioned in Brian M Thompson 3 Sqdn war diary, Pilot Officer Mitchell didn’t return from one of his first combat missions carried out with the Squadron. He died killed by his own bomb, which exploded when the “Kittyhawk” received a direct hit near Acroma.


Mk. I 

AL196/ N/A

Plt Off Ronald Kenneth Wilson, 115949, RAF


A/C missing after combat , 01 Jun 42 - At 1830 hrs five Kittyhawks of 112 Sqdn RAF and six from 3 Sqdn were scrambled, meeting four Ju 88s of I/KG 54and four Bf 110s, with an escort of Bf 109s. Four of these fighters from III/JG 53 attacked the Kittyhawks, Lt Quaritsch shooting down P/O Wilson of 112 Sqdn RAF in flames, the pilot bailing out and becoming a POW. source : http://members.tripod.com/mick_quinn/id62.html


Mk. I 


SGT Clark


A/C Damaged Cat 2 in combat, Marseille claimed 6 that day 3/JG27


Mk. I 

AL219/ N/A

Plt Off Eric Atkinson, J8414, RCAF


A/C missing after strafe near point 378372, Aircraft hit by AA and crashed, pilot KIA


Mk. I 


Sgt Roy Arthur Drew, 407415 DFM (Australian)


A/C Damaged Cat 2 in Combat, pilot ok


Mk. I 

AL211/ N/A

Sgt Donald  Jeffery Birchall White, RAFVR, 1016777


A/C force landed after strafe Cat II damage, pilot ok


Mk. I

AK988/ N/A

Sgt Edward "Ted"  B. Adye, 776184


A/C took off at 19:35Hrs and was reported missing from ground attack mission over point 368414,Hans Joachim Marseille , 16:25 hours , Sudostlich Fort Acroma

claim timings do not seem right, pilot returned safely, other sources have him as taken POW this date


Mk. I 

AK937/ N/A

Sgt D F Greaves, 131855, RAF


A/C took off at 19:35Hrs and was reported missing from ground attack mission over point 368414 ,Hans Joachim Marseille claim timings do not seem right, pilot returned safely


Mk. I 

AL149/ GA U

Flt Sgt Stuart Dymock Cassell, 402307 RAAF


A/C missing over "Rotunda" EL Adem, Shot down by AA fire, pilot safe


Mk. I 


Fg Off  Jeoffery M S Crichton,

J.5032 RCAF


A/C Damaged by AA during fighter bomber mission


Mk. I 

AK949/ N/A

Plt Off Felix Francis Joseph  Edwards, 80140, RAFVR


A/C missing after armed recce may have been  Friedrich Körner, 2./JG 27, Aircraft took off for attack on Artillery positions. Aircraft was last seen in area over friendly troops but did not return to base. Hans Joachim Marseille made 3 claims against 112 Sqdn this day, pilot KIA


Mk. I 


Fg Off  Jeoffery M S Crichton,

J.5032 RCAF


A/C slightly damaged by AA during fighter bomber mission


Mk. I 

AL175/ N/A

Sgt Raymond H "Ray" Newton, 411437, RNZAF


A/C missing pilot safe, possibly by Leutnant Günther Steinhausen, 1/JG 27, 18:14, SW EL Adem


Mk. I 

AL105/ N/A

Plt Off Sgt Kenneth (Kit) Francis Carson, 404233, RAAF ,his brother served in 112 Sqn at the same time


A/C shot down west of Sidi Rezegh, claimed by Friedrich Körner, 2./JG 27,took off at 14:30hrs for ground attack mission near Sidi Rezegh, was hit by AA, set on fire and failed to return. KIA


Mk. I 


Plt Off  Brian Anthony Fredrick "Compo" Cuddon, 115619, RAFVR


A/C Damaged Cat 2 in Combat 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 /  JG27 where all involved this day


Mk. I 


Fg Off  Jeoffrey M S Crichton,

J.5032 RCAF


A/C slightly damaged by AA during fighter bomber mission


Mk. I 

AK586/ N/A  4 gun model

Flt Sgt Roy Arthur Drew, 407415 DFM RAAF


A/C shot down Ofhr. Willy Kientsch from 2/JG27, 1025 hours near Sidi Rezegh pilot KIA, Hans Joachim Marseille made 2 claims against 112 Sqdn this day, pilot KIA


Mk. I 

AL225/ GA T later GA D short tail small fin fillet

Flt Lt Rudolf Maurice Leu, 404178 RAAF


A/C force landed at Sidi Azeiz, behind enemy lines aircraft was captured, he became POW, Reference Air Britain Serials "AA100 to AZ999"., mentioned in Brian M Thompson 3 Sqn war diary 112 Sqdn Plt OffW A J "Johnny" Johnson landed and tried to pick him up Leu was badly burned and a rescue was not accomplished


Mk. I 

AK571/ N/A 

4 gun model

Fg Off  Jeoffery M S Crichton, J.5032 RCAF


A/C force landed at Sollum, A/C believed recovered later in the war hit by AA while covering Johnson and Leu above, pilot was picked up by an armoured car from the Gurka Regiment


Mk. IA ET526/ N/A

Plt Off  Brian Anthony Fredrick Cuddon, 115619, RAFVR


A/C shot down in combat,  A/C took off at 12:05 hrs on an escort mission and was shot down near Charing Cross by Bf109's of JG27 pilot KIA, claimed by Barr


Mk. IA AK909 

Fg Off John Archibald Milne, 42758, RAF (Canadian, Yorkton, Saskatchewan)

26/6/42 Fractured spine in a take off accident. We backed up to strip 075, Sidi Aziez, Sollum and eventually Sidi Haneish near Mesa Matruh. Here on the 26th, we were scrambled to evacuate the strip about 10:00 p.m. as Jerry tanks were reported advancing on our strip. In taking off I collided with another aircraft. Where it came from I do not know as it was quite dark. Then by way of 86 Hospital, Hospital ship and train to Baragwanath in South Africa, he spent the next six months in a plaster cast, arrived back in UK in November 1942. (Thanks to Buz the ORB states; according to the report the aircraft was to take off as part of formation heading to LG106 whilst dark.    Aircraft swung on take off and Collided with another taxing  aircraft at LG102. 26 Jun 1942 (Aircraft had been on strength for approx 1 month at the time of the accident).



Mk. IA AK770 GA J 

Plt Off  William Alexander Jenkinson  "Johnny" Johnson 115625, RAFVR


Evacuating LG102 in the dark, to a new landing ground known only to the CO he gets lost and crash lands at LG104 occupied by the army, the rest of the Sqdn was at LG106.  


Mk. I 


Flt Lt James Arthur Walker,40876 DFC 6 victories (Canadian)


A/C Shot down, but aircraft recovered and back in operation a couple of days later, Daba


Mk. I AK920/GA ? 

Sgt Donald Jeffery Birchall White, RAFVR, 1016777


A/C shot down over point 865269 may have been Werner Schroer 1450 hours 8./JG 27 SE El-Hammam update On the 3.07 fire from the ground shot down a plane marked AK920 GA-?, which was accompanied by seven “Kittyhawks” – all of them bombing a convoy of German trucks. The pilot, Sergeant White, not only managed to parachute, but also to march away from the threat in the direction of his own troops


Mk. I AK852/N/A

Flt Sgt J B Agnew


A/C badly damaged near point 870290 may have been Werner Schroer 1840 hours 8./JG 27 SE El-Alamein, “Kittyhawk” AK852, shot over El Daba, returned to base, but literally fell apart during landing. Sergeant Agnew, who was piloting it, made it out of the crash unhurt


Mk. I AK890/N/A

Sgt Desmond Ibbotson, 129238, RAFVR


A/C shot down by flak while bombing LG21 aircraft force landed, Qattara escarpment, pilot returned

unknown at this time

Sgt Desmond Ibbotson, 129238, RAFVR


Another prang in the training flight this morning - Sgt Ibbotson.


Mk. I 

AK892/ GA D

Fg Off Felix Knoll P0768,PAF


A/C shot down near LG106, when 450, 250 and 112 Squadrons attacked L.G.21. Qotafiyah lll, but were intercepted over the sea north-east of El Daba by 109s and Macchi 202s, someone scored a direct hit on the bomb slung under Knolls' plane, KIA


Mk. IA ET794/ GA C

Sgt Donald Jeffery Birchall White, 101677,RAFVR


A/C shot down into the sea near LG106,when 450, 250 and 112 Squadrons attacked L.G.21. Qotafiyah lll, but were intercepted over the sea north-east of El Daba by 109s and Macchi 202s,pilot ok, Piloting an ET794 (probably marked GA-C), Sergeant White was lucky once again, parachuting and marching the 50 km separating him from the air base.


Mk. I AK677/GA G 

Sgt Richard DeBourke,R79049, RCAF  (American)


A/C damaged over El Alamein and force landed. pilot returned to Squadron on foot


Mk. IA ET790/ GA ?

Plt Off John Satterehwaite Barrow, 118054, RAFVR


A/C shot down by flak over battle area also claimed by Hans-Arnold "Fiffi" Stahlschmidt, Oberleutnant, W El Alamein . 0845 hours,  2./JG 27. pilot KIA


Mk. IA ET510/ N/A

Flt Lt Geoffrey William Garton, 67034, RAF


A/C force landed at point 877257, returned on foot cause thought to be AA


Mk. I 

AK866/ GA Z

Sgt Cedric Don Young, 411490 RNZAF


A/C force landed cause thought to be AA on operational sortie, returned on foot IN HIS LOG BOOK HE JUST SAID ENGINE FAILED, picked up by armored cars


Mk. I 

AK603/ N/A

Plt Off  William Alexander Jenkinson "Johnney" Johnson, 115625, RAFVR


A/C shot down over LG20 and LG104 Qotafiyah may have been Rudolf “Rudi” Sinner (6./JG 27. S Bir el Abd ) took off at 09:45hrs as part of a wing raid on LG20 and LG104 along with Baltimore and Boston Bombers. This aircraft Crash-landed 15M South East of LG20 update 

I note that the relevant Air-Britain RAF Aircraft serials volume states AK603 as having  ' crash-landed 15m SE of LG.20 and abandoned, 24.7.42'. According to 'Jeff' Jefford's 'RAF Squadrons' LG20 was Qotafiyah I, located on or close to the Libiyan/Egypt border. From this it seems unlikely that the pilot died but, given that LG20 was at the time a long way behind enemy lines, his being taken PoW looks to be a strong possibility. 

Errol Martyn

Imperial War Museum has his YMCA 'Wartime Log' (116pp) kept while a prisoner of war, July 1942 - May 1945, having been captured while serving with No 112 Squadron RAF in North Africa and subsequently held in various prisoner of war camps in Italy, Germany and Poland, comprising colourful illustrations of wartime scenes and POW life, photographs showing him with fellow prisoners, newspaper cuttings, notes on parcels received and theatre productions staged in camp, and a brief written record of his thoughts on being a prisoner. Together with a photocopied ms letter (2pp, 16 August 1942) written by Flying Officer A C Baker (Baker  (Plt Off), Aubrey Cyril , 64892 , RAFVR, )  to Johnson's father, describing the circumstances in which Johnson was captured; official correspondence relating to Johnson's capture; two photographs of him in uniform; and a few further sketches and cuttings

ORB  states "Wing raid on LG's 20 and 104 with Baltimores and Bostons. We had a good session with the CO getting a ME110, P/O Lores a Ju88 and P/O Wright a Bf109. The first two went down and burned on the ground and the third was confirmed by the Bostons. P/O's Wright and Johnson were attacked by 3 109's as they came out of their bombing dive. P/O Johnson is missing but one of our planes is reported crash landed.15 miles S.E of the target."

Aircraft was AK603 and was SOC 28/7/42, it had only been with the unit for 1 day when lost. Two claims for Kittyhawks on the day I know of, one by Oblt.Rudolf Sinner and the other by Uffz. Bernd Schneider (although Schneiders is most likely a 5 SAAF aircraft).

He was posted into the Sqdn on 14th April 1942, but no where in the records can I find a service number. I have one other note, hand written in a logbook extract, that states, "Good day three more for the score board, CO, Lores and Wright. Johnson crash landed after being bounced POW?"



Mk. IA, ET527 GA J

Pilot Officer Brian Anthony Fredrick Cuddon, 115619 , RAFVR


Force landed  near the front line due to a oil pressure failure, this was in large part due to the extended use the planes where getting at this time. pilot ok A/C recovered, 35881 to RAF as ET527. SOC Sep 8, 1942


Mk. IA, ET865 GA K

Sergeant Cedric Don  Young, 411490, RNZAF


Force landed  near the front line due to a oil pressure failure, this was in large part due to the extended use the planes where getting at this time. pilot ok A/C recovered

41-36219 to RAF as ET865. SOC Feb 1, 1944 no record of this in his log book at all


Mk. I 

AK744/ N/A

Sgt Randolph Charles Carlyle Smith, J16175 RCAF (Americian)


A/C force landed possibly A/C was recovered


Mk. I 

good possibility it was EV340

Sgt Harold Verne Schofield, R/83903, RCAF


pilot killed in flying training accident CD Young writes about this incident in his book they had just taken off with little air speed when "B" flight bounced "A" flight Sgt Schofield spotted them and went into a tight turn which resulted in the crash.


Mk. I 

AK703/ GA X

Sgt Cedric Don Young, 411490 RNZAF


A/C engine failure with bomb attached, force landed at point 895254 he writes about this in his book


Mk. IA ET1017/ GA V

Plt Off Joseph Ernest Loree. J7414,  RCAF (Canadian)


A/C shot down at Deir-EL-Abyad, pilot POW,  I/JG27 Leutnant Hans Remmer and Oberfeldweber Stephan both made claims that day


Mk. I 

AK746/ N/A

Sgt. Lawrence Daniel Patrick "Larry" Barlow, 83050, RCAF (Americian)


A/C shot down at Deir-EL-Abyad. pilot POW till 1944,  I/JG27 Leutnant Hans Remmer and Stephan both made claims that day, 1 Staffel of JG-27


Mk. IA EV365/ GA A

Sgt Desmond Ibbotson, 129238 DFC and Bar RAFVR


A/C returned CAT 1 after dogfight, may have been Rudolf “Rudi” Sinner 6./JG 27 south El Hammam, pilot ok


Mk. I 

AK701/  GA T later GA F

Sgt H G E Thomas, NZ405000, RNZAF


A/C shot down over point 455275. pilot POW 1100 hours, Süd-südöstlich Imayid, Hans Joachim Marseille, Bf109F


Mk. IA EV368/ GA A

Plt Off Howard Lynn Phillips, J/8653, RCAF (American)


A/C force landed at 1 SAAF Bde workshops, 41-36622 to RAF as EV368. SOC Feb 22, 1945


Mk. IA ET789/GA C

Sgt Wallace Daniel Hogg, 402401 RAAF


A/C crash landed CAT 2 in Alamein,  El Daba area A/C returned to Sqn in October  Stumpf JG 53., pilot ok, 36143 to RAF as ET789. Damaged by Bf 109 and crash landed in desert Sep 12, 1942, 


Mk. I 


Sgt J H Morrison, 41144


A/C shot down crash landed and destroyed by fire. pilot survived may have been Werner Schroer 1725 hours 8./JG 27  7 Km SW El-Alamein


Mk. I 

AK694/ GA Y

Sgt Cedric Don Young, 411490 RNZAF


A/C shot down by own AA fire over point 878282, also claimed destroyed by  Homuth, pilot badly burned, 64th hospital stay did not return to 112 Sqdn He had taken George Wiley's place on that flight more about this on claims page.

. Occasionally a USAAF serial numbered plane shows up in the RAF 112 Sqdn Records, this explains why that happened


Through August and September 57th Fighter Group continued training with the RAF where they learnt formation and combat tactics over the desert. On 16 September the Group came under operational control of Air Officer Commanding, Western Desert. The 64th and 65th FS became a separate wing in RAF 211 Group while 66th FS was transferred to RAF 239 Wing on 6 October.


Mk. IA ET795/ GA C

Sgt J H Morrison, 41144


A/C caught fire mid air, crash landed cause uncertain, EL Hanwirrya, the A/C where battle worn see next , 41-36149 to RAF as ET795. Diverted to USAAF, 49th FG, 9th FS. RAF records say that this plane was indeed delivered to them and was wrecked at El Hanwirrya Sep 30, 1942 when crash landed after catching fire in midair


Mk. I 

AL192/ N/A

Flt Sgt George Rae 1179958, RAFVR , age 20


A/C dived into ground after take-off from LG.90, Egypt due to engine fire Pilot KIA


Mk. IA ET919/ GA C later T 

Plt Off George William Wiley J/7234 RCAF 


A/C wrecked after force landed at point 452904, El Imayed, following flak damage,  pilot fractured his leg ,41-36273 to RAF as ET919. Wrecked when crash landed at El Imayed following flak damage Oct 7, 1942.


92 recorded incidents with Kittyhawk Mk. I and Mk IA this does not take into account the abandoned aircraft lost during retreats simply because I have not found there numbers yet also I might yet find further incidents or accidents

. .






42-45924 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR292 Jul 1942. Missing from bomber escort mission Oct 9, 1942. Presumably shot down by Bf 109s.


Mk. III FR248/ N/A

Sgt Dennis Franklin Greaves, 131855, RAF


A/C shot down near LG21 pilot POW camp L3, aircraft was ditched in the sea, A group of 32 “Kittyhawks” covered British “Bostons” and American “Mitchells” this time. They were intercepted by Messerschmitts from JG53 and Macchis from the 4.Stormo over their own base. The enemy fighters first chased the “Kittyhawks” over the Fuka – El Daba – Qotafiyah triangle, and then during their almost 100 km long return trip. During the chase, Sergeant Greaves and his P-40 were lost without a trace. He landed by a parachute near one of the German numerous anti-aircraft positions. He spent the rest of the war in captivity. 42-45838 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR248 Jul 1942. Missing from escort mission to Gazala Oct 21, 1942 Another account of the day 20 Oct 42 - At 1130 hrs twelve Kittyhawk of 112 Sqdn RAF, ten of 3 Sqdn and others from 250 Sqdn RAF escorted twenty four Baltimore's and B-25s over Fuka, where they were attacked by sixteen Bf 109s and MC 202s. P/O Neill, Ritchie and Taylor spotted a twin engine Italian bomber and attacked. They hit it many times, but it landed near Abu Haggag. In the meantime three fighters attacked the rest of the squadron, P/O Alderson was shot down by enemy fighters. source http://members.tripod.com/mick_quinn/id62.html


Mk. III FR236/ GA T later GA S then GA G

Sgt Wallace Daniel Hogg, 420401 RAAF


A/C shot down by AA, LG20 (Qotafiyah1), Gazla, pilot POW. this had been an escort mission for 66 USAAF escorting Mitchell bombers attacking LG 20 and LG 104  (Qotafiyah2) On the 21.10 the 112.Squadron was accompanied by the American 66.Fighter Squadron. In a mission carried out by the American “Warhawks” P-40F (“Kittyhawk” MkII), the “Sharks” participated for the first time on the just delivered “Kittyhawk” MkIII fighters. One of them was immediately shot down. The anti-aircraft defense of LG20 claimed a plane probably marked GA-G with well-aimed volleys from their 20-millimeter “vierlink”. The pilot, Sergeant Hogg, was taken captive.


Mk. III FR240/ GA A


21/10/42 45830 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR240 Jul 1942. Shot down by Bf 109s over L.G.21 Oct 21, 1942


Mk. III 

EV319 GA G


25/10/42 36573 to RAF as EV319. Lost Oct 25, 1942


Mk. III 



unknown 36594 to RAF as EV340. Spun into ground at LG.91 during combat practice


Mk. II A  FL337


26/10/42 FL337 DBR (damaged beyond repair) Forced landed after aerial combat near LG.21, 26 Oct 1942 30-14009 to RAF as Kittyhawk II A FL337 Jul 1942. Wrecked when crash landed near LG.21 Oct 26, 1942 after being damaged by Bf 109s.read about it here


Mk. III FR279/ GA J

Plt Off John Garn Wright, J7233, RCAF


A/C crash landed near front line, after being damaged by AA and BF109 fire, read more here, swept over LG104, pilot wounded


Mk. III FR263/ GA X

Flying Officer Keith Ronald Gardener (RAF No. 103554),


A/C shot down, read about it here , pilot died of wounds The Desert Air Force reported a general attack in the Fuka and Daba areas conducted by twenty-four Kittyhawk of 260 Squadron and 2 SAAF covering twelve Boston's and six Baltimore's bound for Fuka while twelve Kittyhawk of 112 Squadron escorted bombers. Ten Hurricanes of 274 Squadron covered by others of 127 Squadron, six Kittyhawk of 450 Squadron and seventeen Spitfires of 92 and 601 Squadron were also up, the Spitfire doing a “delousing” sweep. These large formations reported widespread combat with enemy fighters and while no bombers were reported lost five fighters failed to return, one Hurricane of 274 Squadron (Flying Officer Graves MIA), two Kittyhawk of 112 Squadron (Pilot Officer Wright wounded and 21-year-old Flying Officer Keith Ronald Gardener (RAF No. 103554) KIA), and two Kittyhawk of 260 Squadron (Flying Officer Meredith POW and 22-year-old Pilot Officer Charles Edwin Ody (RAF No. 135396) KIA). The RAF claimed eight Bf109s (in fact only a Messerschmitt and one Macchis were lost). 42-45853 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR263 Jul 1942. Missing from bomber escort mission Oct 26, 1942


Mk. III 

FR262 GA Z

Sgt Arthur Fredrick George Martin, RCAF, R/97115


A/C crash landed at Fuka, was attacked by 3 Mc202's 9 Gruppo, over the target. This aircraft was reported missing from this operation. 42-45852 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR262 Jul 1942. Missing from fighter- bomber mission to Fuka Oct 27, 1942, Pilot died of wounds


Mk. III FR281/ GA D

Plt Off David Alastair Bruce, 80213, RAFVR


A/C ditched near EL Daba, Near Daba 20 Ju87 and escorting Bf109's were encountered and attacked. This aircraft was reported missing from this operation 42-45923 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR281 Jul 1942. Missing from armed recon mission Oct 31, 1942., pilot ok


Mk. III FR289/ GA Z

WO J B "Paddy" Agnew, RAF


A/C force landed in battle area, claimed by  Unterberger, shot up by escort and belly landed inside allied lines South of El Alamein


Mk. III 

FR264 GA W

Flt Sgt Richard DeBourke, RCAF, R79049 (American)


A/C damaged in combat, pilot wounded in shoulder by Gustav Rodel, II/JG 27,  landed safely 45854 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR264 Jul 1942. Lost Nov 1, 1942


Mk. III 

FR245 / GA B

Sgt John McIver Sherman MacAuley,  RCAF, 77152


Damaged in combat with Bf109's whilst escorting B-25's against Fuka, 


Mk. III 

FR216 GA P

Plt Off J M S Crichton,

J.5032 RCAF


Damaged in starboard wing whilst strafing near Charing Cross, 42-45820 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR216 Jul 1942. SOC Feb 24, 1943


Mk. III 

FR263 GA X

Flt Sgt Randolph Charles Carlyle Smith J16175, RCAF


Made a wheels up Landing at LG 106 due to engine failure, (FR263,GAX), 45853 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR263 Jul 1942. Missing from bomber escort mission Oct 26, 1942


Mk. III FR215/ GA V

Sgt Raymond Webb, RAFVR, 1313162


A/C shot down near Fuka, pilot KIA, 12 Kittyhawks of No.112 Sqn took off tasked with a recce, of the Sidi Barrani/Sollum area at 13:15 hrs. Sgt Webb failed to return from this mission, pilot and plane where never found


Mk. III FR259/ GA X

Flt Sgt Randolph Charles Carlyle Smith J16175, RCAF


Damaged in ops and force landed, (FR259,GAX) 42-45849 to RAF as Kittyhawk III


Mk. III FL880/ GAZ

Flt/Lt Robert Rutherford Smith, 40952, RCAF

10/11/42 Aircraft was badly damaged by engagement with 3 ME 109's and Macchi on returning to base. (30 centimeter hole in wing) Plane made serviceable,  FL880,GAZ,  42- 45768, Jul 1942. SOC Aug 1, 1943 ) 


Mk. III FR266/GA H 

Plt Off Joseph M S "Big Joe" Crichton,

J.5032 RCAF


A/C Collided with FR211, LG76,1500 hours unable to clear a USAAF P-40 aircraft being salvaged. Aircraft Burnt out 42-45856 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR266 Jul 1942. Wrecked when collided with Kittyhawk FR211 (42-45815) during takeoff at L.G.96 Nov 11, 1942 go with LG76 on this one, this plane burned out


Mk. III FR211/GA E

Plt Off Howard Lynn "Tex" Philips, J/8653 RCAF (American)


A/C Collided with FR266, LG76,1500 hours unable to clear a USAAF P-40 aircraft being salvaged. Aircraft Burnt out

pilot badly burned sent to England on a BOAC flight via Lagos, Nigeria 8 March 1943, became member of the "Guinea Pig Club" after recovery went on to 412 Sqn


Mk. III 

FR217/ GA C

Plt Off  Brian Anthony Fredrick Cuddon, 115619, RAFVR


Aircraft was shot down coming down in the Marble Arch area, 42-45821 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR217 Jul 1942. Lost Nov 11, 1942


Mk. III 



 13/11/42 36614 to RAF as EV360. Shot down by flak off Bomba Nov 13, 1942


Mk. III 

FR245/ GA B

Sgt W E Pollock, RCAF, 63166


A/C force landed 40 miles west of Msus, after being attacked by BF109 from III/JG77, pilot ok, returned to Sqdn 21 Nov 1942 42-45835 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR245 Jul 1942. SOC May 31, 1944


Mk. III 

ET977 GA W

Unknown Possibly P/O L P Mink 260 Sqdn

 18/11/42 42-36331 to RAF as ET977. MIA near Benghazi Nov 18, 1942, presumably shot down by Bf 110s.



FL880/ GA Z

Flt Lt Robert Rutherford Smith, DFC , 40952, RAF later,  (Canadian)


Badly damaged by Bf109's of JG77 and Force landed pilot ok, 42- 45768, Jul 1942. SOC Aug 1, 1943


Mk. III FR217/ GA C

Plt Off  Brian Anthony Fredrick Cuddon, 115619, RAFVR


A/C shot down in Marble Arch area pilot KIA, pilot was never found 42-45821 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR217 Jul 1942. Lost Nov 11, 1942


Mk. III FR255/ GA J

Flt Sgt Wilfred David Brown later WO I (Canadian) 2 victories


A/C shot up force landed at Magrum' pilot badly wounded, 1510 hours led by Flt Lt Smith, escorting two hurricanes on a tac R, Joe Critchton was on this flight, aircraft recovered 42-45845 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR255 Jul 1942. SOC Feb 22, 1945, pilot was found by allied infantry in his landed plane  southwest of Mersa wounded and unconscious, he was transported by them to Benghazi, he returned to the Sqdn a short time later.


Mk. II 


Sqn/Ldr Billy Drake,  39095


Aircraft force landed inside allied lines after combat he led 11 aircraft covering 66 Sqdn USAAF, made a wheels up landing amongst the 11th Hussars Armoured Car Regiment (The Cherry Pickers)


Mk. III 


Sgt Michael Hugh Lamont,  776196,RAFVR


Damaged in combat and force landed


Mk. II A  FL298

unknown may not have been a 112 Sqdn plane when it was shot down 15/12/42 40-13909 to RAF as Kittyhawk II A FL298 Jul 1942. Shot down by Bf 109s near Marble Arch Dec 15, 1942


Mk. III  FL296 GA R


24/12/42 42-45886 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR296 Jul 1942. Crash landed after flak damage Dec 24, 1942


Mk. III 

FR127 GA B


2/1/43 FR127,42-9887 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR127. DBR when belly landed near Timini Jan 2, 1943


Mk. III 

EV136 GA Q


5/1/43 36390 to RAF as EV136. Missing from training flight near Amriya Jan 5, 1943


Mk. III 

FR216 / GA P

Plt Off  J M S Crichton, J.5032 RCAF


A/C was on Tac r Escort Mission. Aircraft suffered an engine failure whilst attempting to engage enemy aircraft and crashed behind enemy lines, pilot POW


Mk. III 

FR264 /GA W

Sgt Kenneth  Forrest Middlemist, 1376378, RAFVR


A/C believed  badly damaged during ops and written off on return


Mk. I, 

6 gun model 87A-3 P-40E


Possibly F/L George William  WILEY, J7234, RCAF


Stricken Off Charge, Not Confirmed as the right plane "Back in action on January 13, 1943. His leg is still weak, but anxious to fight again. Has another close call with German fighters with the Kittyhawk raked with 40 holes from enemy fire. Upon his return, the ground crew was amazed the plane made it back"


Mk III ??? 

GA F short tail 

Fg Off Lewin  Henry "Bunny" Curphey, RCAF, J/7769


A/C shot down over front lines, JG77 attacked 21 Baltimores of 21 Sqn, escorted by 44 P-40s and Spitfires of 57FG, 112 Sqn and 92 Sqn, 3 bombers where shot down as well,  pilot KIA  

Allison ("They Shall Grow Not Old") mentions:

Curphey bailed out of his Kittyhawk aircraft # FR195 over enemy territory at Bir Dutan, Egypt (what pres. should be Bir Dufan, Libya) and was not heard from again This may point to FR345 shown below as 14/1/43


Mk. III FR214/ GA A

Fg Off Robert G Sayle, 115773 (Can)


A/C shot down near point R9070 map reference not supplied pilot POW 23 January 1943, 42-45818 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR214 Jul 1942. Missing from bomber escort mission Jan 13, 1943, plane found February 1943


Mk. III FR320/ GA J

Sgt D S "Butch" Watson, 516585, RAF


A/C shot down R9070, pilot POW, 5th February 1943. failed escape attemp lands him in Dachau, 42-46113 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR320. Missing from bomber escort mission Jan 13, 1943, plane found February 1943


Mk. III 

FR279 GA J

Sgt David (Fat) Brown, 1381428  RAF


Engine seized after take off belly landed his plane at 150 knots into the desert, pilot ok at the time he was doing circuits over Wing HQ 42-45869 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR279 Jul 1942. Missing Jan 14, 1943, presumably shot down by enemy aircraft near Bir Dufan. 


Mk. III 



14/1/43 42-46138 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR345. Missing near Bir Dufan Jan 14, 1943, presumably shot down by enemy fighters


Mk. III 

 FR325. GA V



42-46118 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR325. Crashed after colliding with Kittyhawk FL325 (41-13986) near Ben Gardane Jan 22, 1943 repaired to be shot down 10/3/43


Mk. III 

FL730 GA P

Sgt J G R Lecours, RCAF, R79289  1 victory


A/C shot down near Ras Agedir, pilot POW, 42-9853 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FL730. MIA from ground attack mission Feb 5, 1943, presumed shot down by Bf 109s.


Mk. III 

FR317 / GA H

Flg Off Thomas (Tom) Livingstone, RAFVR, 61967


A/C damaged Cat II in combat



EV162 GA V



EV162 GA V, 36416 to RAF as EV162. Wrecked when hit run on landing and undercarriage collapsed, Berka Feb 26, 1943


Mk. III FR130/ GA Z

Sgt Thomas Arthur Marsden, 993301, RAFVR


A/C shot down near EL Hamma. a large engagement with enemy fighters took place and this aircraft failed to return from this mission pilot KIA, FR130, GA Z, 42-9890 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR130. Missing from fighter-bomber escort mission to El Hamma Feb 27, 1943


Mk. III FR520/ GA F



FR520,GAF, 42-10413 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR520. Wrecked when undercarriage retracted in error whilst taxing at Alem Main May 5, 1943


Mk. III FR118/ GA F



FR118,GAF, 42-9856 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR118. Wrecked when belly landed at Zavia May 5, 1943 after engine failed.


Mk. III 


Fg Off George William Wiley, J7234 RCAF


A/C Believed damaged Cat II during ops


Mk. III FR325/ GA V

Flt Lt Robert Rutherford Smith, DFC , 40952, RAF later  (Canadian # is given)


42-46118 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR325. Crashed after colliding with Kittyhawk FL325 (41-13986) near Ben Gardane Jan 22, 1943, repaired only to be shot down near Foum Tatahouin, 45 miles northwest of Foumtatouin, 1530 hours, pilot POW, 


Mk. III FR275 

Flt Sgt Richard DeBourke, R79049 RCAF  (American)


A/C shot down near Foum Tatahouin, pilot KIA 42-45865 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR275 Jul 1942. Missing Mar 10, 1943, presumably shot down by Bf 109s NW of Foum tatouine


Mk. III FR361/ N/A

Sgt John Henry Oliver. R/84086, RCAF


A/C shot down near Foum Tatahouin. was only his 4th operational sortie pilot KIA 42-46154 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR361. Missing NW of Foum Tatouine Mar 10, 1943, presumably shot down by Bf 109s


Mk. III FR295/ GA G

Flt Off David Alastair Bruce,80213, RAFVR


A/C shot down near Foum Tatahouin. pilot KIA 42-45885 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR295 Jul 1942. Missing Mar 10, 1943, presumably shot down by Bf 109s NW of Foum Tatouine


Mk. III FR292 

Sgt W.Richard Blake (Americian), R97463, RCAF


A/C damaged during this combat  42-45924 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR292 Jul 1942. Missing from bomber escort mision Oct 9, 1942. Presumably shot down by Bf 109s.


Mk. III 


unknown, pilot may have been Ray "Goose" Guess, RCAF J10277 he shot LT Heintz Ludemann down on this day


A/C damaged Cat III  in this combat, 42-46128 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR335. SOC Mar 8, 1945


Mk. III 42-45798 / 245788 GA D

Fg Off George William Wiley


A/C shot down 40 miles NW Tatauin, Tunisia ,taken POW 12/3/43 executed during the Great Escape 31/3/43 Stalag Luft III


Mk. III FR131/ N/A

Plt Off Randolf Charles Carlyle "Smithy" Smith J16175 RCAF


A/C shot down near FoumTatahouin pilot KIA, 42-9891 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR131. Missing NW of Foum Tatouine Mar 10, 1943, believed shot down by Bf 109s. Missing NW of Foum Tatouine Mar 10, 1943, believed shot down by Bf 109s.


Mk. III 

FR259 GA X

Some error and confusion in the USAAF records here pilot was Plt Off Randolf Charles Carlyle "Smithy" Smith J16175 RCAF date of incident for this plane was 8/11/42


42-45849 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR259 Jul 1942. Belly landed in minefield at Medenine Main Mar 26, 1943 after engine failed on takeoff (Note this description probably describes the fate of the above aircraft FR 131


Mk. III 

FR221 GA T



45825 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR221 Jul 1942. Wrecked when struck sand dunes 8 mi SE of Castel Benito May 28, 1943 during blind approach practice


Mk. III 

EV339 GA A



36593 to RAF as EV339. Missing near Mersa Matruh during delivery flight Apr 4, 1943


Mk. III 


GA I then T



FR302, GA I later FR302.GAT with red arrow painted across the exhaust ports) 42-45892 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR302 GA T,  Jul 1942. Ditched off Sicily Aug 4, 1943 following engine failure


Mk. III 

FR412/ GA D 

Sgt John Trevor Hounsell, 1268030, RAFVR


Aircraft encountered light to heavy flak and Breda fire over target area and this aircraft crash landed at Grid 1370. pilot returned to unit on the following day happened on 2nd mission. FR412,GAD, 42-9928 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR412. SOC Mar 8, 1944


Mk. III 

FR227/GA E

Fg Off Leonard Henry  Cherry, 114723, RAFVR


2nd mission that day, bombing MT on the Bjel Achiechle road A/C crash landed. On the final mission that day led by the Wing Commander had to crash land the aircraft but pilot was missing until the following day, as he did not crash land at base,  but he was  not injured.(FR277,GAE) 42-45867 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR277 Jul 1942. SOC Mar 8, 1944



FR137/ GAZ

Sgt Walter Richard "Dickie" Blake, R97463 RCAF 


2nd mission that day, bombing MT on the Bjel Achiechle road A/C crash landed. some sources have FR137, 42-9897 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR137. DBR when belly landed at Mellaha Aug 18, 1943 after undercarriage jammed.


Mk. III 

FR517/ GA R

Fg Off Edward Ross, 115030, RAF


Two aircraft were wrecked on landing taxing accident neither pilot was injured.FR517,GAR, 42-10404 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR517. Wrecked when struck by Kittyhawk FR338 (ex 42-46131) while taxing at El Ejem Apr 18, 1943 See below.

Kittyhawk Mk. III 

FR338/GA ?

Flt Sgt Wilfred David Brown, R/86267, RCAF


Two aircraft were wrecked on landing taxing accident neither pilot was injured. See above

happened at Kairouan ((FR338,GA?) 42-46131 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR338. SOC Mar 14, 1946)


Mk. III FL882/GA H

W/O Wilfred David Brown, R/86267, RCAF


A/C damaged in combat written off, may have been against 6 / JG53, happened at Kairouan ((FL882,GAA, later (March?) GAH 45770, Jul 1942. SOC Mar 8, 1944 ) 


Mk. III FR453/ GA K Long Tail

Flt Sgt Michael Hugh Lamont,776196,



A/C shot down, The Top section of the Top cover was attacked by 4 Bf109's and Sqdn tried to avoid these aircraft with evasive action. pilot KIA ,attacked by 4 109's of 11/JG27, LT Schneider and Uff e Stanglmaier made the claims FR453,GAK, 42-10074 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR453. Missing off Cape Bon Apr 22, 1943


Mk. III 


Sgt Archibald Edward Prain, 1366355, RAFVR, (new pilot)


A/C shot down near Cape Bon may have been 22.04.43, Ltn. Bernd Schneider, 5./JG 27, ( a component of II/JG 27), Kittyhawk, Ł 15 km. N.E. Ras el Fortas: 2.500 m., 09.46 hrs, Film C. 2027/I Anerk: Nr.153,

22.04.43, Ltn. Bernd Schneider, 5./JG 27, Kittyhawk, Ł 15 km. N.E. Ras el Fortas: 2.500 m., 09.48 hrs, Film C. 2027/I Anerk: Nr.154,

or 22.04.43Dagobert Stanglmaier,4./JG 27,Spitfire, 15 km. N.E. Ras el Fortas: 2.500 m, 09.50 hours, Reference: JG 27 Lists f. 561,

pilot KIA ,attacked by 4 109's of 11/JG27, LT Schneider and Uffe Stanglmaier made claims but from the above information it would appear that RAF 112 Sqdn Kittyhawks where shot down by Ltn. Bernd Schneider

42-45816 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR212 Jul 1942. Missing near Cap Bon Apr 22, 1943. Presumably shot down by Bf 109s


Mk. III FR276/ GA J

Sgt John Trevor Hounsell, 1268030, RAFVR, (see 7/4/43, FR412)


A/C shot down near Cape Bon may have been 22.04.43, Ltn. Bernd Schneider, 5./JG 27, ( a component of II/JG 27),  Kittyhawk, Ł 15 km. N.E. Ras el Fortas: 2.500 m., 09.46 hrs, Film C. 2027/I Anerk: Nr.153,

22.04.43, Ltn. Bernd Schneider, 5./JG 27, Kittyhawk, Ł 15 km. N.E. Ras el Fortas: 2.500 m., 09.48 hrs, Film C. 2027/I Anerk: Nr.154,

or 22.04.43.,UFFZ. Dagobert Stanglmaier,4./JG 27,Spitfire, 15 km. N.E. Ras el Fortas: 2.500 m, 09.50 hours, Reference: JG 27 Lists f. 561,

pilot KIA ,attacked by 4 109's of 11/JG27, LT Schneider and Uffe Stanglmaier made claims but from the above information it would appear that RAF 112 Sqdn Kittyhawks where shot down by Ltn. Bernd Schneider

42-45866 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR276 Jul 1942. Missing Apr 22, 1943, presumably shot down by Bf 109s off Cap Bon


Mk. III 

FR118 GA F



42-9856 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR118. Wrecked when belly landed at Zavia May 5, 1943 after engine failed


Mk. III FL714/ GA F

Sgt Ronald William Staveley, 1231263, RAFVR


A/C forced down when hit by AA landed at Hammamet 42-9770 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FL714. No record of fate


Mk. III 

FR277 / GA E

Fg Off John A Burcham, 119713, RAF


A/C Damaged by AA fire over Cape Bon, 42-45867 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR277 Jul 1942. SOC Mar 8, 1944


Mk. III 


Unknown 24/5/43 FR-348 42-46141 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR348. Crashed into sea 5 mi N of Zuara May 24, 1943 following engine failure RAF 112 Sqdn was at Zuara for a rest period after the Tunisia Campaign


Mk. III 



13/6/43 FR424, 42-9956 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR424. DBR when crash landed on runway at Azizia Jun 13, 1943 after engine failed on takeoff


Mk. III FR440/ GA V


?/6/43 FR440,GAV, 42-10061 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR440. DBR when belly landed S of Fayid after engine failed during overshoot.


Mk. III FL710.GA J


21/6/43 42-46155 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FL710. Crash landed at Sorman Jun 21, 1943 after stalling on approach


Mk. III 



25/6/43 42-46119 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR326. DBR when bellylanded at Sorman West Jun 25, 1943 after engine failed on takeoff.


Mk. III .

Fg Off Raymond Vincent  :"Steely Grey" Hearn


Force landed at Pachino within 8th Army lines pilot ok , returned to Sqdn


Mk. III FR502/ GA D Long Tail

Flt Sgt Fred Renshaw Vance,R80721, RCAF (American)


A/C shot down by flak near Lentini, Sicily, KIA


Mk. III FR793/ GA J (M series)

Sqn Ldr George Harold Norton, RAF 89308


A/C shot down by flak near Lentini, Sicily, pilot KIA, FR 793.GA J, Curtiss P-40M-5-CU, 43-5586, Missing from attack on enemy motor transport near Lentini Jul 13, 1943 )





FR317,GAH) 42-46110 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR317. DBR when belly landed 2 mi NW of Syracuse Jul 21, 1943 following engine failure


Mk. III FR315/ GA C

Sgt Ronald William Staveley, 1231263, RAFVR


A/C force landed near front line, at Syracuse (Grid J.0837)


Mk. III / FR311

Plt Off Reginald Albert Wild, 407884, RAAF


A/C failed to return from this operation


Mk. III  FR511 

GA Q then H then D

 (Conflict on this one as I have Flight Log Reg Drown showing GAF FR511 being flown on 14 Aug 43) 


FR511,GAQ,later GAH and then GAD, 42-10392 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR511. Missing from ground attack mission over Sicily Aug 3, 1943


Mk. III / FR302 GA I later GA T 

P/O  Reginald Albert Wild, 407884, RAAF


42-45892 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR302 Jul 1942. Ditched off Sicily Aug 4, 1943 following engine failure Returned on 9 Aug 43


Mk. III FR429/ GA P long tail

Fg Off Raymond D "Goose" Guess, RCAF J10277


A/C shot  down by flak near Randazzo, Italy, pilot POW according to Medical Officer F/LT Crews 4 aircraft where lost due to glycol leaks caused by flak, during the month of August with only one pilot returning to the Sqdn (Reg Wild)


Mk. III FR489/ GA H long tail

Fg Off Harold James Martin Barnes, 112407, RAFVR


A/C crashed into the sea near Catania, Sicily. pilot baled out, FR489,GAH, 42-10349 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR489. Crashed after pilot bailed out near Catania Aug 4, 1943


Mk. III FR849/ GA Z (M series)

Flt Sgt Ian Treloar, 401551, RAAF


A/C shot down by flak near Randazzo, Italy, MT was spotted and attacked but heavy and light AA was encountered at Grid D0213. This aircraft failed to return and is believed lost to AA Fire near Randazzo, pilot KIA, FR849,GAZ, 43-5743, Missing from ground attack mission over Sicily Aug 7, 1943


Mk. III 

FR293 GA ?


13/8/43 42-45883 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR293 Jul 1942. Wrecked when undercarriage collapsed during emergency landing at Azizia Main Aug 13, 1943 after engine over sped and ran away during takeoff.


Kittyhawk  Mk. III 

FR277/ GA E

Flt Sgt K. S. Stokes,  656779 14/8/43 Damaged when aircraft suffered engine failure and belly landed, 14/8/43 3 RSU, To North Africa 1/11/43, SOC 8/3/44 (the belly landing probably caused this one to be written off as the date 8/3/44 is an administrative write off date as the aircraft could not be found in records or service


Mk. III 

FR137/ GA Z

Sgt Walter Richard "Dickie" .Blake R.97463, RCAF

18/8/43 FR137, 42-9897 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR137. DBR when belly landed at Mellaha Aug 18, 1943 after undercarriage jammed.En-Route to Middle East 31/10/42, Damaged when aircraft Crash landed (Pilot Sgt W.R.Blake R.97463) 7/4/43 112Sqdn, Pilot smelt burning and decided to land, but was unable to lower u/c, and aircraft bellylanded at Mellaha 18/8/43, SOC 1/11/43


Mk. III FR866,GA T then K then M 



Damaged on mission believed to have struck post, Struck pole during attack near Melito Aug 21, 1943 FR866 GAT, GAK in Sept then GAM, 43-5760, Struck pole during attack near Melito Aug 21, 1943


Mk. III 

FR516 /GA A 

Plt Off George Wallace "Wally"  Rutherford J16548 RCAF


Damaged when aircraft suffered blast tube blow out


Mk. III 

FR482 GA N

F/Lt Lucus  Mc Bryde, 407005 , RAAF


FR482, 42-10339 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR482. Crashed near Salerno Sep 10, 1943 after pilot bailed out after engine failed. Returned on 15 Sep 43

Kittyhawk Mk. III FR814/ GA T (M series)

WO Kenneth  Forrest Middlemist, 1376378, RAFVR


A/C shot down by flak near Pertosa, Italy, pilot KIA, he was making a second run on the target


Mk. III 

FR494 GA W

Sgt Kenneth N.Cockram, 1425541


Damaged Cat II (led by J Darwen he was in a cloud of dust stirred up by planes in front, hit a tree on take off), pilot ok and flew later that day


Mk. III 

FR835 / GA Z

Sgt. Alexander G. Rowe, 1336895


Lost believed due to combat. possible POW, (FR835,GAZ, 43-5729, Lost Sep 15, 1943


Mk. III 

FL897 / GA A

Flt Sgt Stanley Thomas Worbey, 1380985 NCO # RAFVR gets Off # later 174081


This aircraft was last seen at 12:20hrs at Grid N.6959 flying east, Potenza -Allevino -Vallata road-but failed to return, pilot returned to Sqn later that day



FR389 / GA R

Unknown, Possibly Flt Sgt K N Cockram, RAF 1425541


(FR389,GAR, 42-9905 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR389. Wrecked when overshot takeoff in dust and hit trees, Grottaglie Sep 16, 1943)


Mk. III FR866/ GA was T became K in Sept 

Flt Sgt Ronald William Staveley, 1231263, RAFVR


A/C shot down by flak near Vallata, Italy, took off at 16:55hrs as part of 10 aircraft formation on Armed recce in the Potenza-Vallata area. During this mission MT was attacked at grid O.1350 and O.1267. During this flight this aircraft was last seen strafing in grid O.0533 and was seen to be hit and crashed into the ground from approx 500 ft. pilot KIA


Mk. III FR860/ GA D (P-40M-10CU ex US serial number 43-5754)

WOI Wilfred David Brown, R/86267, RCAF, 2 victories, 2 probable


A/C shot down near Avigliano. Italy map reference RAF Napoli 40/14, N9854 to Avigliano 0.0852 KIA, took off at 14:30hrs as part of 10 aircraft formation on Armed Recce Potenza-Vallata-Grottaminarda-Lioni-Aveglino areas. MT was attacked at Grid N.9754 and at Grid N.9854. Light intense AA was received from grid N.9854. This aircraft was last seen when it spun into the ground,1520 hours,  from approx 1500ft, and burst into flames. pilot KIA On 19 September 1943, after completing a successful bomb run he and his 9 team mates where returning to base and strafing targets of opportunity. Documentation shows the small arms and machine gun fire was “heavy and intense”, from a column of trucks that had been engaged. Wilfred’s plane Kittyhawk Mk III FR860, was hit while over the column, he climbed it to approximately 1500 feet, rolled it onto its back to allow the pilot to escape when it was engulfed in flames and entered a spin from which it never recovered. Although his plane crashed somewhere between Apoli and Avellino in Italy, nothing was ever found


Mk. III 

FR814 / GA T



FR814,GAT, 43-5615, Missing from armed recon mission to Eboli Sep 20, 1943


Mk. III 




FR789, 43-5580, Missing from armed reconnaissance mission Sep 20, 1943


Mk. III 




FR833, Curtiss P-40M-10-CU ,43-5727, Wrecked when overshot landing during thunderstorm and struck Kittyhawk FR391 (42-9907) at Bari Sep 27, 1943


Mk. III FR870/ GA S



43-5764 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR870. Crash landed at Sta Maria Nuova Nov 3, 1943 after being damaged by explosion of own bombs


Mk. III 

FR132 / GA T

Flt Lt Lance Neville "Happy" Ahern, 402781, RAAF


This aircraft was hit in the glycol system and force landed at Grid C.4000 on the banks of the Sangro River 42-9892 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR132. SOC Feb 29, 1945.


Mk. III 

FR439 / GA K

Fg Off James Osborne "Tex" Gray, J16543 RCAF, American


Damaged when aircraft force landed at Canne LG due to combat damage port aileron 42-10060 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR439. SOC Feb 22, 1945


Mk. III 

FR801/GA H

Flt Sgt William Edward Cocks, 1393866,RAFVR 


Cocks lobbed her in a river,  pilot OK, 43-5598, SOC Feb 29, 1944, had been Bernie Peters mount, now Bernie flies a new to him but an old plane in service GA-H, FR-257


Mk. III FR864/ GA M (M series)

Fg Off Robert Matthew "Hawkeye" also known as “Old Wilkinson” or  “Letchie Wilkinson”, Wilkinson, RAF 135092


A/C shot down near Ripa. Italy, pilot POW, FR864,GAM, 43-5758, Crashed at Ripa Dec, 1943 after pilot bailed out following flak hit Wilkinson on fire and bailed out at 1500ft. POW if OK. 


Mk. III 

FR388/GA Z

Flt Sgt Bernard Hyland Peters, RAAF, A409439, later O33112,  Italics are from Bernie Peters Flight Log transcribed for us here by his son Greg, Greg also supplied the information about Cocks. 20/12/43

Aircraft damaged Cat II in combat, 41- 9904, SOC Mar 29, 1945

Straffed Mk VI tank. Hit in left wing root on leading edge. Nearly bailed out., plane SOC Mar 29, 1945

CAT II. Left wing tank, radio, left brake, ASI, U/S.

December  20 Sabato S                 Liberato M

“A bloody heavy day.   1st show me, in (Z). Gun fire & Ack Ack something terrific. I got a hell of a clobber in leading edge of left wing root at 200ft after shooting a big tank.  On way back 3 Spits shot at me.  My kite was a Cat II.   No ASI and kite stalled if you breathed hard. Didn't have guts to bail out, so returned. Runway was cleared for me & after doing a perfect 3-pointer (with ring twitch), I found I had no left brake. Skidded off right of runway, straight at bunch of  twin types, who ran.  Cut engine, but didn’t turn over & did a beautiful twizzle beside a row of tents, thumbing the types as I skidded by backwards.  Cocks shot down but OK

F/O Wilkinson on fire and bailed out at 1500ft. POW if OK. 

2/Lt H J Hanreck, 207359V, SAAF


A/C damaged and ditched off San Vito Chietno, This aircraft was hit by AA prior to attacking the target, and although the pilot completed the attack, he was forced to fly south east to the coast and ditched approx 200 yards off shore from San Vito Chietino at grid C.3812. returned to Unit a few days later FR839,GA J,43-5733, Hit by flak and ditched off San Vitro Dec 31, 1943


Mk. III 

FR229 / GA Q

2/Lt N.G.Sharpe 328278V. SAAF


This aircraft was damaged Cat III when it force landed at Grid J.332


Mk. III 

FR872 / GA P

WO Ernest Douglas "Doug" Holmes,403927. RAAF


Training accident, pilot KIFA, 43-5766 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR872. Lost Feb 12, 1944 (Bert Horden writes in his book "Shark Squadron Pilot" Flt Sgt Doug Holmes took his Kitty up just for a simple air test and was never seen again. A search was made to no effect.)


Mk. III 




45848 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR258 Jul 1942. DBR Feb 18, 1944


Mk. III FL886/ GA B short tail, later GA K

Fg Off James Osborne Gray, J16543 RCAF (American)


A/C force landed in Anzio beachhead, took off at 15:25hrs as part of 11 aircraft formation, target was an Army concentration at Grid G.0233. Medium intense AA fire from south of the target was encountered and this aircraft was Hit by AA and force landed near Anzio beach head Flak in the radiator 45774,Jul 1942. DBR when force landed near Anzio Feb 29, 1944 following flak damage


Flt Lt Lance Neville "Happy" Ahern, 402781, RAAF


A/C force landed within friendly lines, Flak in the radiator , pilot returned ok


Mk. III FR795/ GA B

LT Micheal Grant White. 75645V , SAAF


landed with a burst tire after an attack on Motor Transport, heavy flak during engagement, the plane flipped onto its back, pilot OK, FR795,GAB, 43-5588,Lost Mar 3, 1944


Mk. III FR824/ GA A (M series)

Fg Off John A Burcham, 119713,RAF


A/C shot down near Rome, Italy, MT Targets were attacked at Grid F.9067, Grid G.4045 and at Grid G.4453. Light 40mm and 20mm fire was encountered during this operation and this aircraft was shot down, Flak causing gycol leak, pilot POW 43-5629, Lost Mar, 1944


Mk. III FR283/ GA P short tail

Lt Anthony (Tony)  Knowles Taylor,  SAAF,  328249


A/C landed on beach near Cutella, damaged, Flak causing gycol leak pilot OK


Mk. III FR502/ GA D



FR502,GAD, 42-10372 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR502. Wrecked when force landed near Rome Mar 8, 1944 following engine failure


Mk. III FR812/ GA R (M series)

Flt Sgt Stanley Thomas Worbey, 174081, RAFVR


A/C shot down, Flak causing gycol leak,  MT Targets at Grid G.1458 were attacked and Medium Breda and 40mm fire was encountered. This aircraft hit by AA and abandoned North of Genazzano, He is recorded as a Sgt on 16/9/43 and again on 13/3/44 when he was shot down by flak during an armed recce. He was captured and then subsequently escaped and hid with an Italian farming family waiting for the front line to reach him. News of his release (now a P/Off) reached 112 Sqdn in mid June 1944. FR812,GAB, 43-5613, Crashed N of Genazzano Mar 13, 1944 after pilot bailed out following flak hit, FR812,GAR letter change date unknown see above was GAR when it went in


Some 260 Sqdn Kittyhawk where transferred to 112 Sqdn as it (112) was short of aircraft and 260 Sqdn where re equipped with Mustang III





Mk. III FR861/ GA M (M series)

Sqdn Ldr Peter Fredrick Illingworth, 39529, RAF


A/C shot down near Trogir, Flak causing glycol leak, Aircraft took off at 15:45hrs as part of 12 aircraft formation briefed to attack 3 "E" Boats at Grid U.8238 in Yugoslavia. Aircraft attacked their Target and this aircraft was Hit by AA. White vapor was seen coming from the aircraft and the pilot force landed on flat land near Trogir, Pilot OK, FR861,GAM, 43-5755, Force landed near Trogir, Yugoslavia Mar 22, 1944 following flak hit He returns to the Sqdn on 4 April 1944


Mk. III FR862/ GA E



FR862,GAE, 43-5756, Missing Mar 23, 1944

Kittyhawk Mk. III FR121 / GA K



Hit by AA was able to return to base, FR121,GAK, 42-9858 to RAF as Kittyhawk III FR121. Crashed when abandoned SE of Todi Apr 6, 1944 following flak damage.


Mk. III 

FR811 GA M, 


Sqn Ldr Walter Kenneth Watts,400827  RAAF


A/C shot down near Todi, This section then continued North and this aircraft was hit by AA fire from Grid.A7066. The aircraft was abandoned by the pilot who landed at Grid A.7858 near Todi, pilot POW


Mk. III FR857/ GA V, 43-5751

Flt Sgt Kenneth Crawford "Slim" Warburton, RAF 1435331 details of the day


A/C shot down near Rieti Landing Ground 1710 hours, took off at 16:20hrs as part of 12 aircraft formation on Armed Recce of Terni Area. Whilst approaching Rieti LG the formation spotted approx 12 Fw190 aircraft on the ground with 2 taking off and 3 more already airborne. A General battle ensued with this aircraft not being seen after the initial attack either being shot down by AA fire or by a FW190.,pilot POW, None of 112’s pilots saw F/S Warburton shot down but his loss is timed at 17.10, perhaps from his last W/T message and so Maikranz or Ochs may have been responsible.Fw. Maikranz, 3./SG 4, 10 km. E. Rieti A/F at 300 m. at 1711 hours or Uffz. Ochs, 1./SG 4, 6 km. S.W. Rieti A/F at 10 m. 1711 hours


Mk. III FR288/ GA Z  short tail

Flt Sgt William Edward Cocks, 1393866,RAFVR details of the day Thanks Nick Beale


A/C crashed near Rieti Landing Ground 1710 hours, pilot KIA, It was probably Hellerbrand who claimed F/S Bill Cocks’ Kittyhawk since the time is an exact match with the 112 Squadron account and the location is very close (although his comrades thought Cocks had spun in rather than being shot down Fw. Helmut Hellerbrand 1./SG 4 1 km. E. Rieti A/F at 400 m. 1710 hours


Mk. III FR474/ GA Jinx

Flt Lt Maurice Neville Matthias, 119867, RAFVR


Damaged in combat with FW190, badly holed by FW190 over the roundel


 Mk. IV FT854 / GA P later GA B

Flt Lt Lance Neville "Happy" Ahern, 402781, RAAF


Damaged during combat with FW190 near Rieti LG, 42-104759 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FT854 May 1943. No record of fate.


Mk. IV FX366/ GA S

WO G L Hirons, 1190809


Hit by flak badly damaged but was able to return to base, pilot ok


Mk. IV FX516 GA P  

Lt William Ewen "Fossie" Foster, 307365V, SAAF


A/C shot down at Lake Trasimeno, took off at 17:00hrs as part of 12 Aircraft formation briefed to attack an ammo dump at Grid W.4588-4589. Formation found and attacked the target, and Intense and accurate 20mm fire was encountered. During this attack this aircraft was hit as it made a run against the target from Lake Trasimeno, it hit the ground at Grid W.4585 and exploded, pilot KIA, 42-105087 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX516. Crashed into Lake Trasimeno Apr 23, 1944 after flak hit


Mk. IV FX622/ GA W  

Lt Micheal Grant White, 75645V SAAF, Thanks Nick Beale


A/C shot down near Rieti, believed shot down by Bf109's - aircraft later recovered and used by 450Sqdn, the aircraft discovery near Rieti led to the burial location of the pilot, he had been buried in a vault of a local church, but because he had not been wearing his identity disc his location had not been known for some time, pilot KIA 42-106217 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX622. Missing near Aquila May 3, 1944, presumed shot down


 Mk. IV FX544/ GA K 

Sgt Derrick Warren Grubb, RAF, 1323923


A/C shot down near Avezzano, took off at 05:25hrs as part of 12 aircraft formation on Armed Recce. MT was attacked on and Cross roads on Sora Road. This aircraft was hit in Glycol system and although was escorted back the pilot was forced to crash land at Grid 490775 3 Miles South West of Avezzano. pilot POW, 42-105227 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX544. Crash landed 3 mi SW of Avezzano May 22, 1944 following flak damage


Mk. IV FX727/ GA S, 

Sgt Charles John Parkinson, 1800971, RAFVR


2nd of three operations that day A/C shot down near Frosinone, took off as part of 6 aircraft formation on a bombing mission against the cross roads at Frosinone. This aircraft was hit by Flak and crash landed heavily at Grid G.1457, aircraft then started smoking and burnt, pilot KIA , plane code behind this one is that although FX710 is quoted as GA-S a few days before, on the date concerned there is no serial number, which tends to lead to the question why not, when the serial was noted before, but further checking shows that this happened when the aircraft was new in the ORB and was later then known by its serial as well as code, pilot had joined the Sqn only 5 days before it was his second operation, pilot KIA


Mk. IV FX777

GA C, 

previously coded GA E

Flt Lt Maurice Neville Matthias, 119867, RAFVR


3rd mission that day  hit in the glycol tank he crash landed it near Nettuno,  where he was picked up by an American unit and returned to base


Mk. IV FX670/ GA W

Sgt P  L Rees, RAF, 930745


2nd operation that day, A/C shot down near front line, shot down by MG fire, whilst attacking enemy MT, pilot POW, 43-22915 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX670. Shot down by flak May 30, 1944


Mk. IV FX740/ GA ? photo page 2

Sgt George Fredrick Davis,1614505, RAFVR


A/C shot down near front line, took off at 13:55hrs as part of 6 aircraft formation on an Armed Recce. Targets were attacked at grid G.5172. During these attacks it is believed that this aircraft was shot down by AA as it failed to return, pilot KIA, (FX740,GA? carried the cartoon character Wimpy forward on the cowling) 43-23325 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX740. Missing Jun 1, 1944 as recorded on datum card USAAF


Mk. IV FX687/ GA K

Sgt  James Roy Carr, RAFVR, 1620942


A/C down  near Subiaco, Italy, pilot KIA it rolled onto its back and dived into the ground R/T silence never broken so remains a mystery if it got hit by flak or not, 43-22942 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX687. Spun into ground at Subiaco Jun 2, 1944


Mk. IV FT951/ GA M 



42-104915 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FT951. Crashed near Paliano Jun 2, 1944 after pilot abandoned aircraft following flak hit.


Mk. IV FX792/ GA X

2/LT Donald A H Clarke, 328908V, SAAF


2nd operation that day, A/C shot down north of Lenne, pilot baled out safely 43-23717 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX792. Crashed SW of Avezzano Jun 3, 1944 after pilot bailed out following flak hit


Mk. IV 

FT948 GA J

Sgt Eric Tickner, 1800763, RAFVR


A/C shot down near Castel Di Tora, KIA


Mk. IV FX800/ GA R

Lt H F Churchill, 207324V, SAAF


A/C shot down near Castel Di Tora, pilot survived, POW, 43-23744 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX800. Missing Jun 7, 1944, as recorded on USAAF datum card


Mk. IV FT948/ GA J

Unknown possibly Sgt James McNab Dick, 1672409, RAFVR  see 28/6/44


42-104912 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FT948. Lost Jun 9, 1944


Mk. IV 

FX719 GA H

 Sgt Alan Albert Dowling, 1803433, RAFVR


Force landed after not being able to switch to his auxiliary fuel tank. Pilot ok he was later KIA while with 213 Sqdn


Mk. III 


Sgt Robert Desmond Davies, 1422019 and Sgt James McNab Dick, 1672409, RAFVR both pranged planes and where posted out of the Sqdn, Davies went to 450 Sqdn, Sgt Dick was KIA while with 250 Sqdn,  Dicks accident occurred on ?/6/44


Medical Officers report: In the early part of this month up to the 24th, June 1944 this squadron was employed on fighter-bomber work on the Kittyhawk IV. Since the 24th, June 1944 we have been converting to the Mustang III. There has only been one serious prang at this time. the aircraft was written off but the pilot sustained only a slight bang on the head and was suffering from shock 42-103180 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB286. Wrecked when swung on takeoff and struck vehicle, Falerium Jun 28, 1944


Mk. III 

FB291 GA F



42-103185 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB291. Crash landed near Landing Ground Crete Jul 13, 1944 following engine failure. Crashed on take off pilot ok, One of our Mustangs crashed on take off. The pilot lost it and the weight of the bombs took over. It cart wheeled almost into our lines and the pilot was taken off to hospital not too badly injured.,


Mk. III 


GA Jinx

Fg Off Raymond H "Ray" Newton, 411437,RNZAF


Bomb release would not function forcing the pilot to bail out ditching the plane in the ocean, this plane was the regular mount of Peter Nuyten he was not pleased recorded on USAAF dataum as 42-103181 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB287. Shot down by flak near San Felice Sep 16, 1944.


Mk. III 

FB317/ GA T

LT A H Jones, 542465V, SAAF


Engine cut on take off pilot KIA, 42-103247 to RAF as Mustang III FB317 Mar 1944. Crashed on takeoff at Landing Ground Crete Aug 1, 1944


Mk. III 

FB249/ GA N

may have been Sgt Kenneth Richard Mann, 1332895, RAFVR


42-103143 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB249. Crashed on takeoff, Landing Ground Crete Aug 2, 1944


Mk. III 

FB296/ GA R short tail

Sgt Kenneth Richard Mann, 1332895. RAFVR


A/C shot down near Florence, hit by 88 Flak shell, pilot KIA, 42-103190 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB296. Missing Aug 6, 1944


Mk. III 

FB340/ GA Z

Sgt D C Goodwin,1601215


Swung on takeoff crashed into a Kittyhawk Mk III, pilot had concussion, otherwise ok, 42-103270 to RAF as Mustang III FB340 Mar 1944. Wrecked when swung on takeoff and hit P-40,  Landing Ground Crete Aug 9, 1944.


Mk. III 

HB827/ GA S



42-103676 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB827. Damaged by flak and crashed into house, Vimoutiers Aug 18, 1944, detached for four days (16 August 1944) to cover the Landing on Southern France 


Mk. III 

HB895/ GA N

2/Lt J C Hoyle, 282449V, SAAF


A/C shot down at Modena, pilot KIA


Mk. III 

FB338/ GA C

Sgt L G Daniell, 1602798


crashed on take off pilot ok, 103268 to RAF as Mustang III FB338 Mar 1944. Crashed on takeoff, Landing Ground Crete Aug 27, 1944


Mk. III 

HB895/ GA N



42-103864 to RAF Jun 1944 as Mustang III HB895. Missing Aug 28, 1944


Mk. III 

HB936/ GA A

Sgt Arthur Banks, George Cross, 1607992, RAF


A/C shot down at point G514123 no map name given, Ravenna and Ferrara areas. led to beating and murder, 43-24928 to RAF as Mustang III HB936. Missing Aug 30, 1944 as per USAAF datum card


Mk. III 

FB297/ GA X

Plt Off Jack Robert Greenaway, 184791.RAF


A/C shot down over front line, pilot KIA, 42-103191 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB297. Missing from close support mission Sep 4, 1944


Mk. III 




42-103181 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB287. Shot down by flak near San Felice Sep 16, 1944.


Mk. III 

FB323/ GA E

Lt G McFie, 542252V, SAAF


A/C shot down near Rimini, KIA, 42-103253 to RAF as Mustang III FB323 Mar 1944. Missing from close support mission Sep 25, 1944


Mk. III 

HB917/ GA N

Lt Chris J Liebenberg, 542464V SAAF


Lost bomb on take off damaged flaps, bomb did not explode so he jettisoned remaining bomb overshot runway with damaged flaps and turned plane on it's back, pilot ok, 42-103886 to RAF Jun 1944 as Mustang III HB917. Wrecked when overshot during attempted emergency landing and overturned, Lesi Oct 4, 1944


Mk. III 

FB263/ GA M should be W ?

Lt Chris J Liebenberg, 542464V SAAF


A/C shot down near San Felice, pilot survived, POW, shortly escaped capture, 42-103157 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB263. Crashed at San Felice


Mk. III 

HB925/ GA Z

Sgt Owain Gwynfor Jones, 570249, RAF


Hit by flak pilot bailed out into the sea, pilot rescued by Catalina he had only been with the Sqn for 2 days, 43-24917 to RAF as Mustang III HB925. Crashed into Adriatic Oct 21, 1944 after pilot bailed out following flak hit, North American P-51C-10-NT Mustang c/n 103-26533/26882 1st Emergency Rescue squadron PBY-5A, Lt Mork off on a pre-breakfast mission today with his crew ended up over a Walrus taxing on the water with plenty of Ack-Ack fire to make things interesting. Lt Mork overtook the Walrus and, took two men aboard the PBY--these two being survivors the Walrus had picked up.  The crew of the Walrus would not leave their craft but taxied to shore. After the Catalina took on the two survivors a call was received that another flyer was down. Lt Mork to the fixed area and picked up one more man; an uneventful take-off and the flight landed at Falconara. The three survivors were disembarked to a waiting ambulance. These men were:               Sgt Paul E Espep, 459th Bomb Gp, 758 Bomb Sq, Sgt Arthur W (sic) Jones, 112 Sq, RAF, Capt Arthur W Mickle 7th Sq, SAAF


Mk. III 

HB893/ GA K

Lt John Raymond Lund, 329087V, SAAF


A/C shot down near Revenna. KIA, 42-103862 to RAF Jun 1944 as Mustang III HB893. Missing near Revenna Oct 22, 1944


Mk. III 

HB908/ GA W

Lt Donald F Prentice, 329061V, SAAF


A/C crashed in the Gulf of Venice, pilot survived, 42-103877 to RAF Jun 1944 as Mustang III HB908. Crashed near San Vito Oct 30, 1944 after pilot bailed out following flak hit.


Mk. IIIb 

FB320/ GA N

Plt Off Robert  James Deeble, RAFVR, 181078


A/C crashed between Zagreb and Maribor, Yugoslavia, pilot KIA, Slovenske Konjice, Yugoslavia, On offensive sweep Zagreb - Maribor, flak?, last seen 1 km S of town, 42-103250 to RAF as Mustang III FB320 Mar 1944. Missing from sweep to Zagreb Nov 6, 1944, came down near Slovenske Konjice, Yugoslavia


Mk. III 

KH601/ GA Z

Plt Off George Gordon (Knobby) Clark, 185335, RAFVR


A/C crashed at Cavnaella di Adige, KIA. The Squadron had set off to attack a target in Yugoslavia and found it obscured by fog, so had diverted to a Venice target. This target was one which Knobby knew well and had the maps and been briefed for. He took charge in the air, led them to it, and they bombed it. They all came out O K, but nobody could give Knobby a satisfactory report on how they had left it. Knobby therefore returned to over-fly it to look and the guns were waiting for him. He had gone well over his 200 hour tour when he was killed., 44-11026 to RAF as Mustang III KH601. Missing from sweep to Zagreb Nov 8, 1944


Mk. III 

code unknown

Fg Off Jacques William James Roney, 156137, RAFVR


A nut left in the feed pipe to the carburetor choked the flow of fuel. From 350 feet he tried to regain the runway but his engine cut and he collided with two Marauders and a petrol bowser, all of which caught fire, He was extricated from the wreckage but died a few hours later in No.1 Canadian General Hospital update 42-103140 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB246. Destroyed by fire when belly landed at Lesi Nov 16, 1944 and struck Marauders HD436 (42-96363) and HD451 (42-96378)


Mk. III 

KH627/ GA B

Lt J H Weeber, 280286V, SAAF


A/C shot down at Sisak, Yugoslavia after an attack on a bridge, KIA


Mk. III 

KH531/ GA E

Sgt Bruce T Routledge, 1324827


faulty brakes overshot the runway at Fano aircraft ended up on its nose he was unhurt


Mk. III 

KH701 GA Q, 

North American P-51K-1-NT

Flt LT Raymond Vincent  :"Steely Grey" Hearn, 102547, RAFVR


Over shots runway, writes plane off, pilot unhurt, Crashed on approach at Fano and hit B-24, 44-11404, Crashed on approach at Fano and hit B-24 Dec 3, 1944


Mk. III 

FB247/ GA Q

unknown  Possibly F.O BILL MOULD - initially with 213 Sqdn he joined 112 in 1944 flying both the P40 and the P51 and completing a total of 100 operations. He was shot down over Croatia but evaded capture and returned to the unit in Italy within two weeks.

11/12/44 42-103141 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB247. Missing near Sarajevo from sweep Dec 11, 1944


Mk. III 



3/1/45 103173 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB279. Wrecked when swung on takeoff and struck P-47, Fano Jan 3, 1945


Mk. III 

FB255/ GA M

WO J S Duncan


A/C crash landed near Ravenna, pilot survived 42-103149 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB255. SOC Mar 14, 1946


Mk. III 

FB254/ GA Y


11/1/45 42-103148 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB254. Crash landed Jan 11, 1945 following flak dam


Mk. III 

FB280/ GA X

Sgt Peter Landless Greaves, 1808528, RAFVR


A/C shot down near Pragersko later KIA 13/5/45, Bombing the viaduct near Ptuj, s/d while attacking train at Pragersko, a/c leaving black smoke, pilot baled out 42-103174 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB280. Crashed at Pragersko, Yugoslavia Jan 23, 1945 after pilot abandoned aircraft following flak damage, over Podlog pod Bohorjem, Yugoslavia


Mk. IV 

FT949 GA H

Unknown, was probably out of 112 Sqdn service at the time


42-104913 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FT949. Crashed during attempted ditching off Ravenna Jan 27, 1945 following engine failure


Mk. III 

FB339/ GA Z


16/2/45 42-103269 to RAF as Mustang III FB339 Mar 1944. Wrecked when hit roller on landing, Capodichino Feb 16, 1945

North American P-51K-5-NT Mustang 

Mk. IV KH820 GA Q

Flt Lt Raymond Vincent Hearn, 102547, RAFVR


A/C shot down at Aviano KIA, this was to have been his last sortie of his third tour with the RAF


Mk. III 

Lt G A P Reynolds, 580826V, SAAF


Swung on take off , struck a parked Dakota and finished up on top of the ambulance parked outside the watch office, Miraculously no one was hurt.


Mk. III 


2/LT Robert W Staver, 543007V, SAAF


Bombs hung up in their racks, pilot attempted to land, bombs blew up, incredibly the pilot survived, although with severe burns, The bomb racks on the earlier Mustangs had the legend . (The Load On This Rack Should Not Exceed Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds). It was clear therefore that a thousand pound bomb overloaded the things and this did give some trouble. Every so often the rack would refuse to release its bomb. If this happened on both sides, the pilot could probably carry on and shake the things off somewhere when all was O K. But if they would not release, the alternative was to fly over the sea, call up the Air Sea Rescue service and when they were in position, bale out and get picked up. 42-103172 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB278. Crashed into sea near Crete after pilot abandoned aircraft when bomb hung up.


Mk. III 

KH 572 was GA R while with 112 Sqdn

Unknown plane may not have been in 112 Sqdn when this occurred but they where stationed at Fano at the time 20/2/45 KH572,GAR  44-10997 to RAF as Mustang III KH572. Wrecked when swung on takeoff and collided with C-47, Fano Feb 20, 1945




Unknown 21/2/45 KH636,GAP) 44-11148 to RAF as Mustang III KH636. Destroyed by fire when bombs fell off on landing and exploded, Fano Feb 21, 1945


Mk. III 

FB262 GA K

unknown, update, the pilot was the AUS429420 F/O DD Tennent from No 3 SQDN RAAF, plane was also a 3 Sqdn plane at the time of its crash http://www.3squadron.org.au/subpages/clarke.htm

3/3/45 42-103156 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB262. Crashed at Casarsa Mar 3, 1945 after pilot abandoned aircraft following flak damage


Mk. III 

KH635/ GA E

Flt Sgt Owain Gwynfor Jones, 570249,RAF


A/C shot down near Padua,KIA KH635,GAE 44-11147 to RAF as Mustang III KH635. Shot down by flak while attacking River Po bridges Mar 11, 1945


Mk. IV 

KH793/ GA L

Flt Lt G Laurie Usher, 88251


A/C shot down near Ljubljana, pilot survived, acting CO, shot down in Yugoslavia, where he was picked up by the Partisans, who stuck him in jail ( one month) because he did not have a single item with him to prove he was British. shot down attacking targets from Ljubljana m/y to Maribor, hit in the glycol system, bailed out, save by people hanging from tree RTD to unit. (Map ref imply it crashed in Austria, error ?) 44-11701 to RAF as KH793, bailed out near Ljubljana, Yugoslavia


Mk. IV FT945/ GA V

Unknown, would think it would have been out of 112 Sqdn service at the time

29/3/45 42-104909 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FT945. DBR when engine failed on takeoff at Pontedera Mar 29, 1945


Mk. IVA  KM135 GA K

Flt Lt Maurice Neville Matthias, 119867, RAFVR


A/C shot down near Graz, KIA, North American P-51K-10-NT Mustang c/n 111-30086/30685. 11953/11992 to RAF as KM100/KM139 44-to RAF as Mustang IVA KM135. Crashed near Graz Apr 2, 1945 after pilot abandoned aircraft following flak hit.


Mk. III 

FB288/ GA Z

Sgt Colin Walker, 553859, RAF


A/C shot down near Graz, KIA 42-103182 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB288. Crashed near Graz Apr 3, 1945 after pilot abandoned aircraft following engine failure


Mk. III FB327/ GA P


11/4/45 42-103257 to RAF as Mustang III FB327 Mar 1944. Crashed near Brac Apr 11, 1945 after pilot abandoned aircraft following flak damage


Mk. IVA  

KM127 GA X

Flt Sgt Thomas Phillip Roberts, 1623387, RAFVR


Shot down by flak, Bastia, Italy Apr 12, 1945, A/C shot down near front line, KIA, North American P-51K-10-NT Mustang c/n 111-30086/30685. 11953/11992 to RAF as KM100/KM139, 44-11980 to RAF as Mustang IVA KM127. Missing from ground support mission Apr 12, 1945


Mk. III 

HB913/ GA S

Lt E N Roberts, 328730V, SAAF


A/C shot down at Bastia, KIA, 42-103882 to RAF Jun 1944 as Mustang III HB913. Shot down by flak, Bastia, Italy Apr 12, 1945


Mk. III 

KH467/ GA Z

Lt John Hellon Nixon, 542313V, SAAF


44-10824 to RAF as Mustang III KH467. Shot down by flak near Trieste Apr 20, 1945,A/C shot down near Trieste. Brought down attacking the trains on line Trieste - Ljubljana, Yugoslavia KIA



KH763/GA F

Sgt Peter Landless Greaves, 1808528, RAFVR


Engine failure near Forli, pilot attempted to land, hit a ditch, overturned and burned KIFA first post war casualty update plane was, 44-11591 to RAF as Mustang IVA KH763. Hit trees and overturned during attempted forced landing 3 mi NE of Forli May 13, 1945 following engine failure.



KH719/ GA B "Unpainted " A/C P51K

Capt G H Edwards, SAAF, 11208V


Crashed during a flight near Lavariano, could not get the flaps or u/c (under carriage) to come down , so he bailed out pilot ok, 44-11486 to RAF as KH719. lost Jul , 1945 when undercarriage jammed and pilot bailed out




Sgt. Geoffrey Peter Newton Eyears, RAF, 575856


Killed after practice strafing. They flew into a cloud covered mountain top  in a box valley somewhere between Trento and Lake Iseo, crashed into the mountain called Carč Alto, a few remains of aircraft are still there,42-103153 to RAF Mar 1944 as Mustang III FB259. flew into box canyon W of Trento Jul 26, 1945




Lt WD Blom, SAAF, 581737V


Killed after practice strafing. They flew into a cloud covered mountain top  in a box valley somewhere between Trento and Lake Iseo, crashed into the mountain called Carč Alto, a few remains of aircraft are still there 44- 12358 to RAF as Mustang IVA KM235. Flew into mountainside in box valley 30 mi W of Tranto Jul 26, 1945




Capt G H Edwards, SAAF, 11208V


Killed after practice strafing. They flew into a cloud covered mountain top  in a box valley somewhere between Trento and Lake Iseo, crashed into the mountain called Carč Alto, a.few remains of aircraft are still there, 44-12339 to RAF as Mustang IVA KM216. Flew into mountainside in box valley 30 mi W of Tranto Jul 26, 1945

Mustang Mk.III

KH720/GA P math symbol for Pi

Lt R D Park, SAAF, 543052V


Killed after practice strafing. They flew into a cloud covered mountain top  in a box valley somewhere between Trento and Lake Iseo, crashed into the mountain called Carč Alto, a .few remains of aircraft are still there, in January was given the symbol of pi, 44-11487 to RAF as KH720. Flew into box valley and crashed into mountain 30 mi W of Trento Jul 26, 1945



KM107/GA M



Lt R H Templer, SAAF, 581465V


Killed after practice strafing. They flew into a cloud covered mountain top  in a box valley somewhere between Trento and Lake Iseo, crashed into the mountain called Carč Alto. a few remains of aircraft are still there, 44-11960 to RAF as Mustang IVA KM107. Flew into mountain in box valley 30 mi W of Trento Jul 26, 1945




P51k USAAF S/N 44-12394

Sgt Albert Edwin Headland 1584911, RAFVR


Crashed near Cormons, South East of Udine, lack of oxygen at high altitude: anoxia aircraft 44-12394 to RAF as Mustang IVA KM271. Crashed four miles N of Cormons Nov 27, 1945 after pilot's oxygen supply failed.

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